SNW playing with the format we all know and love continues to pay off.
Trek has a very, very long history of the space anomaly of the week causing hijinks to ensue. And these hijinks were epic. Especially considering the sheer amount of raw broadway-class talent SNW has.
And the foreshadowing with the drinking-song-belting, sea-shanty-and-opera-loving Klingons getting pissed off about the “we have to sing everything” bit was hilarious (and Pike’s “WTF” face was the icing!)
I know it’s a one-shot, but bloody brilliant.
So I’m about halfway through the audiobook and it’s already my favorite audiobook ever.
Because it’s not Andrew Robinson reading a book. The book is written in 1st person as Garak telling the story to the reader/listener, and Andy is Garak, and any imperfections in the narration (e.g. character voices) don’t come across as Andy mis-voicing Quark, but rather Garak’s impression of him because he really gets into the groove.