what’s your favorite?
Read or Watch Pluto. It’s absolute cinema.
Love anime & Music
what’s your favorite?
Read or Watch Pluto. It’s absolute cinema.
Yes, It’s from an Anime/Manga called “Pluto” by Urasawa. Same author of Monster Anime.
I want to meet you IRL for some purpose. Can I have your address, name, age, parents name, dimension of your body, did you ever learned any type of martial art? Do you own any sort of weapon? Do you know about posion? Do you workout?
Thanks. I will be hoping for a reply.
Why are you surpried? It’s actually possible. You just need so much computing power like around 64 GB ram and High End CPU to Pack and Unpack both.
including using his birth year in his new Reddit nick, when that birth year is also a well-known nazi dogwhistle (88, code for the 8th letter in the alphabet, as in HH, as in “Heil H…”))
Is it true?
Jinshi is perfect for this he also knows it LOL.
but some people are treating it as an existenial threat for proton and a huge red
Agree, Proton is not even American Company. I guess.
What do you mean infuirating?
It was just below this greentext post LMAO
Around 30 hour when my great grand mother died.
I also just got it.
Unpopular Opinion Lemmy and PeerTube logo look ugly.
No Maomao
What is this from?
It’s SFW post on Instagram. Not anything wierd I know I was disappointed too.
Oh, you are new to anime? You will love every single piece of Urasawa’s work. They are usually twisted, mysterious and antagonist. Like say Death Note on Steroid but without any edginess.
There is very less fight in his work. Just read any of his manga or watch Anime.
I recommend Watching Pluto and Monster(If it become slow pace for you read Manga). And reading 20th Century Boy.