The grammar Nazis will hate me for this but I’m going with “A friend of mine and my wife’s” as the least horrible way of saying it.
“A friend of mine booked a table…” - all good
“A friend of my wife’s booked a table…” - yep - and check here if you don’t like “wife’s”:
“A friend of my wife’s and mine booked a table…” - nope
“A friend of mine and my wife’s booked a table…” - works for me
I’ve had similar problems in the past - apparently no internet connection, and both times I narrowed it down to the machine being unable to resolve domain names.
Turns out Tailscale had changed the IP address for the machines’ DNS resolution in resolv.conf to
That’s fine when the machine is connected to Tailscale but not when it isn’t!
Reverting the DNS IP back to whatever it was previously, or to something like solved the problem for me, at least to the extent that it could resolve URLs again.
Worth a look, if only to rule it out…?