No, the geographic region you fucking mouth breather.
No, the geographic region you fucking mouth breather.
quod erat demonstrandum
Oh I hated Mulroney too… Conservatives have been slimy and repellent to my sensibilities since about grade 4.
Your lack of ability to take me seriously is, frankly, your own flaw to come to grips with. It doesn’t change my ability to vote or who I will vote for, and mine counts the same as yours, Peaches.
Lol I’m so glad you’re not in a position to articulate policy directions on my behalf. Holy freaking god. Our education system. It just…failed you.
I prefer Elizabeth May’s invitation to California, Oregon and Washington.
USA can stay red, impoverished and ignorant. The adults in the room can get on with Nation Building.
Cascadia awaits…
You are radicalizing your former allies and neighbors, that is what you are doing.
Nothing. This is the SAME SHIT THAT HAPPENED IN 1993, except it was a conservative PM then (Mulroney). The last generation of them that cared to be a leader for all sides. Harper was outright an enemy to decency.
Nowadays, the notion of self-sacrifice for utilitarian ethics is a rarified trait; and utterly non-existent on the right of the aisle. Run the thought experiment for yourself and simulate a republican or a conservative candidate doing the right thing. It’s good for a laugh.
That wasn’t a compliment?
Oh man. Sick burn bro. 🫶. Fr.
Take a victory lap with this one; for today, you are the tru tru internet boss.
All shitstain muskrat’s shrieking ‘Pedo’ at anyone critical of him really feels like projection in this context.
As most things do when it comes to the exceptionally primitive conservative reptile-brain.
Does not really directly affect range
Correct. Not in a way that changes anybody’s plans. Absolutely not to the degree that the popular narrative in the media implies.
Tldr; we spend less money. Road trips that once cost 60-80$ in fuel cost 5$.
Like any tool a human isn’t born with you learn to scale your trips and plans and routines to work in synergy with the tech…
…just like we did when carriages started becoming ‘horseless’
As the owner of a 2020 ioniq ev:
It’s imperfect but the fact they built a system at all is why I’ve had zero range attenuation in the 4 years I’ve owned it. If you keep the cells happy and comfortable they will stay that way (usually).
The system they are referring to in this post is a substantial upgrade to what they already equip their vehicles with.
Hey, not to be a downer, but it sounds like maybe you didn’t get the memo about the importance your government places on your kids after Sandy Hook and Uvalde. I’ll summarize what you’re eligible for:
That’s it.
The spice must flow. The Tlielaxu will have their Axolotl Tanks.
Fucking lol. The lengths you things go to. Just shaking my head at how fucking stupid you must think the average person is. What an incredibly hostile world you have to live in.
cast(mountains) as:Mountains
Ugh. Well thanks for those neuropeptides. Now I need another a stiff drink and an edible to cope with family AND national shame.
Maybe it’s high time we draw up a strategic dumbass limitation treaty between our great nations.
Now now. Canada has already offered it’s sincere apologies for Ted Cruz. No need to run salt in the wound and remind us of…our…excretions.
It’s gross to hear he’s a Dad with a little girl and still holds these views. Not trynna badmouth your friend but that’s the first thing I thought of. I’d simply want to end anyone who tried to take my daughter’s right to be anyone she wants to be.
Thanks, that was the spirit in which the reply was intended. He asked, I answered. Grammar is a motherfucker.
I’m not advocating for radicalization. I’m saying they are predictable consequences.