• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I don’t mind these topics, I think we need real life meetings, not people online who ask “hey has anyone else feel the same way as I do, regarding __________”. If people feel the urge to get this out of their system, they need to do it offline. Supermarket posts need to go into a cancer category. Some topics just crop up every week or month, and there should be a board called cancer, for this purpose. Some of these topics (usually people’s frustrations) wear my patience, but I want to support those people if I can.

  • It could go either way, depending on who votes and who doesn’t. I’m 32 and I don’t care for left or right politics. From my perspective, Luxon looks like an out-of-touch boomer, but he could get elected by swing voters. That’s if he can appeal to people who believe in careers and mortgages, and all that other wholesome stuff crap.

  • BRUH. Any light sleeper would wake up when a fully grown bed bug crawls all over them. The guy across the hall from me said that he hated it when bed bugs crawled up his nose while he was asleep. People are just really stupid when they’re in poverty, they just can’t stand up for themselves. Nobody in NZ does anything about mosquito either. You can buy netting for your windows but almost nobody does this because fly screens look bad.

  • We’ve reached the point where the amount of outrage, false info, and bots is too much to handle. We actually need networks like Lemmy or Urbit which are closed off from the public internet, and invite only. Give people an invite code like Gmail did when it was new and coveted. When everyone comes to one place it will naturally degenerate into garbage. That’s why we need a variety of different groups, made by different people. With some more open than others, so there can be actual debates instead of downvote mobs.

    Being able to downvote without contributing any thoughts is just childish and stupid. I hate websites with a downvote feature because it ruins the authenticity of the website. People begin to act cautiously and don’t say what they think, and don’t challenge anyone on a touchy subject. The word “troll” has also lost meaning. It used to mean someone being intentionally disruptive, but now anyone with a different view is just a “troll”. I could go on Reddit and use my real name and I’d be a “troll” for having my own opinion, while anonymous cowards chuck insults from the safety of their keyboards behind a VPN.

    There are ways to handle dissenting views, like having a debating board on a website that’s separate from the main topics. Of course nobody does this on the big websites.

  • I’d like a place where people are more intelligent than the average Redditor LOL. There are so many nay-sayers on Reddit. Anyone with initiative just gets attacked. I’ll invite some people right now in fact. I’d like to talk about the housing crisis, the rental crisis, the cost of living crisis and also foreign policy (especially Ukraine and Taiwan). I believe that New Zealanders are being misled by the media and government.