So I’m not expert, but did PPL for a while and had good results. I wasn’t super strict, but essentially did 3 days on one day off. As long as I did my compound lift and a couple of my iso lifts, I felt satisfied.
Can I ask why you do Push+biceps and pull+triceps, instead of doing push (including triceps isos) and pull (including biceps isos)? For me, my triceps workouts occured after bench press, which helped me focus on squeezing the muscle after it had already been hit with heavy weights. And on my pull days, my biceps isometric would follow barbell rows in the same fashion.
The other thing I was thinking is are you eating enough? Feel like that’s really the most important for muscle growth
Every few years I get the customization bug and trick out my desktop. Then things start breaking down slowly. Then I get frustrated and reinstall vanilla gnome, swear off customization forever, and feel better.
For gaming its Plasma.
Knowing the default DE’s idiosyncrasies also helps with work – I’m never surprised when I reinstall/install a new machine. Same goes for aliases. No for me, knowing the commands themselves, however cumbersome or verbose, helps me better deal with freshly installed machines.