It’s even wilder when you take the concept of ridgidity and transfer of energy out of the equation and just think in terms of pure information propagating though a light cone. Rigidity itself is a function of information.
It’s even wilder when you take the concept of ridgidity and transfer of energy out of the equation and just think in terms of pure information propagating though a light cone. Rigidity itself is a function of information.
You know what makes me so angry though? Looking at the way the Dems govern, even now in the face of this firehosed of shit, this was going to happen eventually. I’ve been thinking a lot about “who’s worse, the Nazis, or people who opened the door for them?”
The universe: needs more jpg.
Needs less jpg?
I honestly don’t know.
Alienation is a helluva drug
I keep saying this - when I experimented with chatgpt for a couple weeks, I felt like I learned nothing. When I manually search things down, read articles, make inferences from details - that’s a research process with deep synthesis. My ideas and knowledge gained had a provenance and trail of breadcrumbs through the different resources I had dug though. Nodes on my knowledge graph I could return to later, perhaps even for a completely different subject. That week using AI was like paint by number - it felt like trying to drive somewhere I’d been before via Google maps, but without Google maps. No reference points, no muscle memory, no sense of time, just direction taking and roteness.
But then again, I have ADHD, so maybe the spatial/temporal aspect is important for me.
Extortion, more like
I tried something like this for my office chair. It was fine as a seat, but it raised my overall position on the chair vs the backrest and i ended up throwing out my back from the resulting offset. So, mind the chair you intend to use it on.
Ban anything with FDA approval.
But I am le’ tired.
Then take a nap, THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES
DEEP CUTS damn I flashbacked hard
As a web dev myself, I know the sheer amount of money that would have to go into monkey patching together all these disparate protocols and ancient APIs, plus the regulatory requirements, and that’s BEFORE worrying about consumer AND vendor adoption. The only reason to get into it is if the service is secondary to chasing a lucrative buyout before you get crushed by some multinational online retail cartel you never knew existed (but always suspected), or Google AEEs you.
Fintech blows.
These people are going straight to hell.
These days, it’s more like they’re literally buddies behind the scenes while expressing partisan vitriol in public for show. It’s fucking gross.
If I’m being honest, the only thing stopping me from shopping at other sites is having to put my personal and payment details in yet another site for it to go stale, or fall out of my memory, or get leaked in the next big hack.
Some sites have “pay with Amazon” (more likely PayPal, but… ugh. I don’t remember why, but I hate it), but I’d love to see some universal adoption of some sort of payment and shipping details lockbox. Like SSO where you can revoke access to subscribers or something.
Yes, well, my spoon is too big.
Bullet points and parentheticals
What sort of knives are you working with?