Oh yeah, I forgot just how bad the timing of both releases were. Didn’t the second games dlc also drop right around Shadow of the Erdtree?
Oh yeah, I forgot just how bad the timing of both releases were. Didn’t the second games dlc also drop right around Shadow of the Erdtree?
I do wanna point out that one of the Horizon games (I believe the second) got pretty screwed by releasing within a week of Elden Ring and didn’t suck. Publishers big and small do need to be careful to not release within a time frame of absolutely massive releases such as Elden Ring and, inevitably, GTA6.
Even if the game doesn’t let you play on release day, I’m willing to bet my kidney that it’ll sell millions of copies and nothing big will be released within a month of it
Any chance you could also recommend a place to find a totally legit copy of bloodborne? Couldn’t find anything on the yo ho ho subreddit
Oh hey, my username is also from neopets! Though it’s just the username it recommended to me like 20 years ago, and I’ve been using it ever since
What emulator are you using? Only one I’ve seen was PCSX4 and according to a lot of stuff I saw online, it’s a pretty outright scam
Very true, though I’m more interested in how a completely new culture would develop. There’s absolutely no way I can think of that would allow the children to be completely unaffected by existing adults since they can’t exactly feed themselves, but I really wonder what would happen.
I absolutely agree with you and I’d love to be able to pack up and move to a commune tomorrow. Problem is that some people just seem to thrive on power and drama.
If it wasn’t so incredibly unethical, I’d love to see what’d happen if some children were raised in a commune with minimal interaction from outside adults. I wonder how their culture and language would develop and to see whether or not they form a society similar to our society or if they manage to make a sustainable commune.
Communes always sound great, but every single one I’ve ever heard of eventually collapses to some drama so dumb it makes PTA meetings seem sane
The key difference here is “it’s printed at the bottom”.
I don’t immediately need a user guide to tell me how to save and exit the program
Nano is just better and I’ll happily die on this hill
Orr honestly doesn’t surprise me. Always kinda got that feeling from him
God damn it don’t tell me fucking Gretsky’s a trump fan. Already pissed off about Subban
Agreed. Give me my Judy, Panam, and River harem damn it!
Panam is the other romancable character. If you do her entire side story (which is quite good) and choose the right options throughout, you’ll have the option to romance her near the end of the game. She’s only attracted to characters with a masculine body.
The romances in general are very easy to screw up. You lock yourself out of several right at character creation unfortunately. Here’s what you need for character creation to get each romance:
Judy: Feminine voice and body Kerry: Masculine voice and body River: Feminine body Panam: Masculine body
As long as you meet the requirements, you can romance 2 people in vanilla, though there’s something at the end of the game that requires you to pick one of them
You also need to do their side missions, but you meet each of them in the course of the main story. There’s also 4 romantic encounters that sadly don’t go anywhere serious.
You can get it on with Meredith Stout, the militech lady who threatens you near the start of the game. If you don’t insult her, you can get another mission from her in act 2. There’s also 3 encounters that can happen, but those are potential story spoilers
You can romance in Cyberpunk, but the romances have gender preferences. Judi and River will only romance women, Kerry and the other one I’ve never actually met will only romance men.
As a web guy, absolutely. It’s the fucking worst
Well, it’s America. Kicking someone we’re bullying is our national past time
Ah, that’s right.
The horizon devs really need to get together with From Soft so that’ll stop happening