the key point here is battlepass If you buy premium battlepass, everything would be so easy.
How people can fuck up a game studio with good history ?
I can feel the pressure to be success on everything i do.
Can you image, that you live paycheck to paycheck, but your daily job can be failed and get paid less ? Realworld revelation: nowaday, it is true for gig worker, who depend heavily on the app match making to employer, and the tip paid by employer (doordash, uber,…)
Citizen Sleeper was a good narrative game. If you haven’t try, then try it.
It is a bit tense and difficult due to you have to mantaining your neeed, drug, food, … etc. (if you don’t want survival stuff and just want story line, just cheat engine the money, and buy yourselves stuff). But I recommend to play the hard way, to feel the hardship that protagonist have to endure.
i am looking for the game. But i hope they don’t spend more cash on marketing while let the game under-budget.
Found it. Nice one.
Bob the mini dishwasher:
My old man have a Blood Glucose Monitors, and i remember he ask me to buy test strips. It do not expensive, and any test strips brand does work with it, as long as it fit in the interface. No brand lock in so far.
If you can get me a name brand, it would be best.
How to know if the extension have keylogger in it ?
Maybe it have “keylogger” in its name
good find
Main companion is “non-binary”
It would be fantatic if AI do better on text on the image. Do you know any AI can fix that. I might spend some time to do photoshop editing if I have time and better at photoshop and have spare few hundres buck to pay for adobe creative cloud. Unfortunately i don’t.
You forgot to add “corpo greed” when calculate inflation .
So, if this ambulances call make Amazon look bad, they might not call the ambulances anymore, and, maybe trying to treat onsite or use taxi to ferry “partner” to ER…
wowww, i think flight, in the future, might not be the safest way to travel anymore.
nah, i think i had enough.
positive or negative doesn’t seem to have any effect on me.
i was upload wrong pic but edit right after that. Maybe your software or your instance cache old pic. Try to visit if you can see new pic.
I think this is fair. Why people talk like it is new thing ?
Wake up, watch a 30 seconds ads.
Go to shit, watch 5 minutes ads while you shit.
Great way to win patent war is making patent claim after their oppenent :)