Empathy, like tolerance, should really be considered a social contract. If he doesn’t have empathy for the less fortunate than him, I have a really hard time having empathy for him.
Empathy, like tolerance, should really be considered a social contract. If he doesn’t have empathy for the less fortunate than him, I have a really hard time having empathy for him.
Nah, he (and Trump) will say we’re being unreasonable and he’s bombing Ukrainian children because of us.
He also wrote the PC ports of Elite 1 and 2, which were amongst the most innovative and technically complex games of their time.
Ouais moi je psychote dès que SUV devant moi accélère et balance des particules fines direct dans les bronches de mes gosses, ça se passe comment pour mon chèque ?
Into the breach is so fucking good. It’s like chess but with huge mechas punching the shit out of kaijus.
Former ZA/UM devs.
Ben apparemment il se vante auprès de membres du gouvernement d’armer illégalement ses sbires, donc ouais j’y crois moyen.
Now’s the time, seeing how the party is polling right now, they wouldn’t lose much by dissociating from it.
In this day and age I’d recommend against pirating your OS. How can you be sure the hack you’re using is legit? And that MS won’t cut off your access to security updates in the future?
That’s great! It requires a bit of research and adjustment but it’s well worth it.
If you’re using Windows, you’ve paid for it one way or another.
Jack Daniel’s is pretty popular here in France, though I doubt people are willing to pay a 200% tax on it and will just switch to other brands.
But if you time your run juuuust right, it becomes a scaling multiplier !
There’s a conspiracy theory going around that the music industry execs colluded to heavily promote gangsta rap over social-conscious rap during the 90’s, so that young black people would turn to a life of crime and fill up prisons, as they had recently invested in the nascent private prison industry.
The only “proofs” are anonymous testimonies by self-described industry insiders, but the fact that rap wasn’t always about gangsta culture is real.
Alors c’est pas du tout le même budget, mais un bon vélo électrique ça roule à 25 km/h sans effort ou presque. Je prends même pas la peine de changer de pignon sur le mien, quel que soit le degré de la pente, et je suis loin d’être un grand sportif.
He’s not even part of their tribe lol
Non la laïcité c’est simplement que l’état n’a pas le droit de t’interdire de pratiquer ta religion, et doit te protéger contre ceux qui voudraient t’en empêcher. L’état lui même doit être neutre en terme de religions, mais le prosélytisme est autorisé, y’a qu’à voir les témoins de Jéhovah avec leurs petits présentoirs un peu partout…
This article has more info on the “hack”. I think it just decrypts Chrome’s password DB using Windows’ key manager, which requires the user to be logged in. This isn’t new in any way, I’m pretty sure a quick Google search would yield a half-dozen similar tools.