If I don’t run 5k at least three times a week I start to feel really bad with life in general, so that.
Professor de História formado pela UFMG, aficionado por games, leitor voraz de mangás, usuário de Arch btw™ e projeto de aspirante a corredor amador.
If I don’t run 5k at least three times a week I start to feel really bad with life in general, so that.
I enjoy axbom, LOW←TECH MAGAZINE and Dedoimedo quite a bit. For something more focused on the history of tech, specially games, there’s also The Digital Antiquarian.
I sure did! I came from Gnome 2 and the first thing I did once I started to use KDE5 was emulating the two horizontal panels design!
That counts, right?
The paper we use nowadays is acutally a highly advanced, modern technology. It’s not the same kind of paper from, say, 500 years ago an expensive product only used by few professionals. Modern paper is a highly industrialized, mass produced, widely available, incredibly cheap and (increasingly) renewable product. It’s a technology as modern as tablets and computers, and arguably more integral to our daily lives.
Will paper become obsolete in 50 or 100 years? Maybe, yes. but it may as well become even more integral to our daily lives. Who’s to say we won’t develop new technologies to make paper even cheaper and more ubiquitous that it already is?
There’s already a Gameclub on the official Patient Gamers Discord (https://discord.gg/patientgamers). Every month they choose a Long Game and a Short Game to discuss and play together. This month’s games are Hotel Dusk and Hitman: Blood Money.
If you’re on Backloggd, there’s also the unofficial Backloggd Discord Game of the Week, with a greater focus on weird/obscure short games.
I’m a KDE guy and use it myself on my notebook, but GNOME with its multitouch gestures and polished (if a little inflexible) workflow is also an excellent fit.
Meu sistema base e o DE (KDE) são Arch, BTW®. Os pacotes e apps são todos instalados via Flatpak — gosto do controle sobre permissões que ele permite (que é integrado no próprio KDE, nem preciso do flatseal).
Tim Maia Racional.