yahoo has throwaway addresses in the settings btw
yahoo has throwaway addresses in the settings btw
i gave up and just read thot tho
Ist Stefan Merz in Wirklichkeit Friedrich Merz mit Perücke? 😆
Der Typ hat echt kein Fettnäpfchen ausgelassen 😆
4 Tankfüllungen + Versicherung
Der Tag, an dem das Unglück seinen Lauf nahm 😔
if you’re on linux, you can try and run it with strace . It will print all IO operations, which sometimes helps finding when it’s breaks.
Eternity for example
Ukraine risks a lot to teach that lesson and they have my full support. It’s not easy tho, because there are people like you trying to send us all to our doom.
The green party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) is moderate left and fully supporrs Ukraine. I’m probably gonna vote for them. The war is only going a few years yet, so I wouldn’t call it a “forever war”. I’ve seen a lot of wars come and go in my lifetime and I think this one will end in a few more years or less. It’s just very important to teach russia a lesson, they can’t just attack others without serious consequences. It’s not just important for Ukraines future, but for all mankind. Ukraine and the heroes risking and giving their life on the battlefield for our future deserve our full support for teaching russia that lesson. If the war ends before russia learns that, they will soon attack another friendly neighbour, so it’s either fight now or fight even more later. It’s unfortunate, but sometimes you just gotta resist and fight back for a better future.
that’s where they grow the flour for the fettuccine tho 😄
i hope so. otherwise all the other things could be watered down for this to stay and that would be horrible.
Unfortunately they also want to stop helping Ukraine defend against russia. So they’re a no-go.
They are all pretty bad, because the mechabic is you have to figure out what the devs intended the character to do next to advance the story, but one of the most interesting was Legacy of Kain: Defiance in my opinion. Probably worth to watch a walkthrough because why play if the characters don’t have any options but doing exactly what the devs wanted.
Rheinmetall and the US also have defensive lasers and I had hoped to see them in action to protect Ukrainian cities from drones and rockets, but didn’t see anything so far. The big advantage of lasers is, they only need electricity for ammo, instead of expensive programmable or guided ammunition other systems need. Electricity can be obtained from many sources, not just a few munitions factories far away. (Remember, when Gepard ammunition in switzerland couldn’t be delivered because the swiss law prohibited sending it to a country at war. When it’s needed most it can’t be delivered. It’s a stupid law IMO.)
Unfortunately they also want to stop helping Ukraine defend against russia. So they’re a no-go.
lol, Friendly Fire? Ablenkungsmanöver? Vergeltung?
There are actually legal torrents and valid reasons to download them from within a company network or company workstations, for example here are the Debian install media torrents:
However, you should make sure the admins and bosses don’t mind.
Idk what he’s trying to do, but he answered in another post: