Any reason to not skip the titer test and just get an MMR booster (especially if you’re born in the 60s)?
Any reason to not skip the titer test and just get an MMR booster (especially if you’re born in the 60s)?
MagSafe has entered the chat
Translocator kills were most satisfying for me, but flak cannon was most useful.
Speedo is typically on a front wheel, not attached to the driver train. Boom
I have had issues with drivers on my 6900XT—either freezes in Fortnite or stutters in Delta Force with the latest drivers. Rolling back to 24.8.1 has largely fixed the issues.
*tracts of land
About a third of the electorate voted for.
My crew are all over 55.
The zero build is fun, give it a shot
I have a wok that looks very similar to this. It’s not teflon coated, it’s carbon steel.
The one in this image does appear to be some teflon variant tho
Can Colorado join? The union we’re in now is in shambles.
As an aside, what are these little round bumps under her lips called? I’ve seen them on some folks and I’m guessing there’s a name for them but I’ve never come across it.
Rackham aka Calico Jack was a real pirate tho
Except for iOS