Software developer, Miniature enthusiast
That is wicked cool!
Those look great! I have trouble painting at that scale. seeing all the details on the windows and like. You have my respect sir.
That’s looks really cool! dig the sponsons and overall paint scheme.
Colors and shading are good! I like the objective marker as well.
It’s been a learning exercise
Thank you!
Thank you!
I designed and printed the base. The Mini’s are from the Warhammer Underworlds season 2 starter box. Thorns of the Briar Queen.
Here is a link for some more generalized miniature display trays that I’ve made.
In this case it’s printed. To be fair I’ve been staring at the code for a good month or so. I wrote it using cadquery.
Replied to the wrong comment, I’m equally surprised to see comments on this thread I assumed it was a dead post. Anyways I didn’t think it would get a enough traction to pull up on c/all
There’s a ton of good stuff in there, and it’s all over the place. Each issue pretty much stands on it’s own.
Games Workshop - Warhammer Underworlds season 1, Spiteclaw’s Swarm
Diorama Miniature Display Trays I’ve been working on an Escher gang that I’m going to have my wife paint. Part of the gang is I modeled and printed a display tray.
The stl’s and source code are available for free:
If this kind of content is unwanted I’ll remove it.
those look great!
You didn’t lose hope! Those look great, I thought that was just official box art, I didn’t realize those were your minis. Completely nailed the aesthetic
Digging the camo, keep at it don’t lose hope!
Just underworlds figures, that’s gorgeous monochrome
Nice model, putting emphasis on the face as the focal point is great! Red in general can be interesting to work with my suggestion is keep with it to increase the saturation.
Embrace using pink and glaze!
Those are really cool!