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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • ok so the thing is that rails isn’t just sending Accept: application/activity+json and your server is returning html for pretty much anything that isn’t exactly that. I’m not sure what part of your stack would be doing that, but the bad behaviour can be seen by giving an accept header the way rails sends it which is:

    curl -H 'Accept: application/activity+json, application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", text/html;q=0.1' https://waveform.social/u/megan

    (note: you can take text/html out of that altogether and it’ll still return html, just to avoid a red herring there)

    You can also see that lemmy.ml does this correctly, if you replace the url above with https://lemmy.ml/u/lemmy for eg., so it seems that lemmy is capable of doing this correctly and it might be something at your webserver level (but I guess not your cdn if that’s still off?).

  • Hey. I’m megmac over on treehouse.

    I edited the post a bit since I did say http when I meant html in it, and the mastodon link-cleaning made hash of my curl command. It does appear to work correctly now using curl so I was probably doing something weird (I was trying a lot of different combos of different things to compare at the time).

    Still, can’t seem to see anything from waveform.social from treehouse. So maybe it’s something else. Note, I’m not directly affiliated with treehouse in any way so I have no direct insight or anything. I do know there are other servers that have cdn stuff getting in the way (kbin.social was the main other one that I was looking at and is why I talked about cloudflare in that post).