Works with anything plugged into the wall. Software developer most of the time. Helped start a makerspace once.

Will talk about Linux, plants, space, retro games, and anything else I find interesting.

  • 342 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • My last bastions of Google are:

    1. Email. Its rock solid stable, but I know they are using it to mine data. This is a good service…but im still looking at proton at some point to make the switch. Or coming up with a solution myself.
    2. Maps. Maps is also another really good service they give out for free. I have tried a huge number of alternatives, but still have no real alternative. OSM+ is the closest and works really well in emergencies but its pretty terrible at searching for anything specific to get to.
    3. Youtube. This is the one I think I can possibly remove at some point. Some creators have their videos on other sites so it might be a mishmash for a while. But the best ones dont. I might just get into audio-books or some other sort of entertainment. Peertube is also a great alternative. And throwing money at [email protected] might be better in the long run.

    Ironically their search has taken a turn for the worse, so other sites are much better in my opinion.

  • I pay other sites for creators. So for me $$ isn’t the issue. Not when premium is less than 20.

    The biggest issue with YouTube for me is that their ads are very intrusive/track quite a bit about what you do/can actually be malware. On addition, there’s a good chance that money is mostly going to YouTube and not the people creating their works. There’s a reason patreon is a thing for most successful creators. I also hate ads. I don’t hate people getting paid, I hate YouTube for shoving ads down my throat and then turning around not paying people their dues. And in my opinion the worst way possible.