…when i turned thirty, i was a grownup, and people started treating me like one: grownups are f*cking old and their lives are over…
…when i turned thirty, i was a grownup, and people started treating me like one: grownups are f*cking old and their lives are over…
…we’ve all violated national security oaths and SCIF protocol?..yeah, no…
…this is just staging plausible deniability for the russian asset…
…nothing wrong with dying; when you die it’s not your problem anymore…
…problems are for the folks left behind…
…adults shouldn’t have to be earning money either; good luck with that…
…born in the seventies, i was working by fifth grade and overnight by high school; longest shift i ever pulled was twenty-six hours without a break…
…kids born in the eighties enjoyed nineties child labor laws, which were kind of a mixed blessing: less exploitation but also less opportunities to earn money…
…depending upon the week, somewhere between ⅔ and ⅘ of my workflow can be in outlook…
…our IT policy required a shift to new outlook last year and it devastated my productivity: i struggled against its user-hostile interface for a couple of weeks and eventually just stayed home so i could get work done, despite our back-to-office mandate…in short order i was given an administrator account and i’m back on old outlook again…
…i drove from the gulf coast to northern california twenty-five years ago and had to thoroughly clean my windshield of bugs every fuel stop, which was pretty typical of road trips for thirty years prior; i can’t remember the last time i’ve had to clean my windshield of anything other than dust since the mid-2000s…
…i visited fourty years ago; it was pretty lush…
…this is why competent administrations rigorously implement, enforce, and prosecute information security: the very idea of using a personal device for state communication is anathema to that core competency…
unobstructed immune to prosecution
…just a little kiddie diddlin’ so mossad’s comfortable letting her on the inside track…
…which are essentially the entire electorate and media apparatus supporting both parties…
…he’d’ve resoundingly trounced trump if the democratic party hadn’t conspired against him in 2016, but if he won the executive the democratic party would have done everything in their power to make sure his administration was no more effectual than carter’s…
…i got this one about three hours ago, too…
…siding?..i do what i must to survive but, if that comes across as advocating for serfdom, you’re inferring something i certainly didn’t imply…
…working as a kid afforded me toys, books, tapes, and musical instruments; working as an adult afforded me f*cking rent and insurance premiums…