The translation has been lost to the ages
The translation has been lost to the ages
I heard it was a sick ostrich
The lack of paternity leave and shortness of maternity leave in (assuming) the US is absolutely criminal. I was lucky enough to get 4 months, and that was not nearly enough to get my feet fully back under me before returning to work.
The fact that you had to take PTO just to bond with your kid is upsetting and frustrates me because those first few months are so valuable, and I feel like dads often miss out on so much.
Wow, I forgot he was in trailer park boys. What a beautiful show.
You’re correct on the origins of “Lodge.” Not referring to beaver dams, Native American lodges have long been used for housing and ceremonial traditions.
A bit flowery on the language, but here’s something for Deer Lodge
From this page
Through all the traditions of the Indians, the valley has been famous for the plenitude and fatness of the white-tailed deer that graze upon its ever-nutritious and almost ever-green grasses. And so the Indians, true to these facts, and weaving with them a happy fancy, named it after that which it most resembled; and we have it that the Snake hunting parties, approaching the crests of the surrounding mountains, before the pale-face came to the land, would try the fleetness of their steeds to see who would first catch sight of and hail the point of rendezvous “IT SOO-KE EN CAR-NE” “The lodge of the White-tailed deer”. The early coming French, appreciating the poetry of the designation, adopted it literally, and among them it was known as La LOGE DU CHEV-REUIL. But the laconic, matter-of-fact Yankee pioneer came this way, and without remorse boiled down all its traditions and beauty and poesy into the practical appellation “DEER LODGE,” by which name is now known the valley, the river, the county and town.
Wasn’t the king tiger notorious for breaking down constantly? Or was that a different German WW2 tank?
Hello fellow spindrift enjoyer, it’s good to know that there’s others like me. Honestly I just love the lemon flavor (no hate on other ones though).
Not sure if it qualifies as lesser known, but Australian hip hop is pretty fantastic. Stuff like Hilltop Hoods, Bliss & Eso, Draupht, Illy, etc. You’ve probably heard a song or two without realizing it.
I was going to say Badassaurus Rex at the end of the Torgue DLC. Big pain in the ass since I only played solo.
I remember hearing about this one. So simple, so effective, it’s beautiful.
Well some less than impressive news about the Proton CEO came out pretty recently. I’m a current user and thinking hard about switching to something else.
Lemme go find a link. Here we go, I went down this thread last night:
I just want to highlight the term “Vichy Twitter” because I really like that. Thank you.
It can be made with either! I think most vodka you get (at least in the US) is made with grain, but there are distillers who specifically make potato vodka, too.
Technology Connections is the best. I was hoping to see this video here.
Cup my balls? Go on…
Dealing with my toddler is frequently more rational than dealing with my coworkers. Most of em are good, but the ones that are outside my normal bubble drive me insane.
Paternity leave was the best part of my job, too. I wish I got more, and it’s criminal that many dads get very little, if any.
Also I don’t really know the best way to say “sorry for this weird mess of a country,” but I’m sorry. That sounds very stressful to say the least.
It’s crazy what I never heard about in school. 20-30 million dead from an important ecological lesson, but we gotta learn about Christopher Columbus’s dumb ass in every grade.
I just replied about this in another thread, but I liked plugging an extra mouse into their computer and making subtle movements with it while they were working.
Wernher Von Braun in programming socks is something I wasn’t anticipating to think about today.