I’m okay with any weebs who want 9yo girls moving to Iraq.
Better than the UK…
I’m okay with any weebs who want 9yo girls moving to Iraq.
Better than the UK…
I suppose they’re attempting to survive what they see coming.
Talking about people like this abusing the system to prey upon others.
advocate for the “all-bodies swim” at a Langley township public pool. The proposed event was to be for ages 12 and up, with clothing above the waist optional, and with parents and caretakers prohibited.
I’m talking about the literal systematic rape of children in the UK which was defended by silencing anyone speaking about it as racist bigots.
Men have been speaking out, and far too many self proclaimed feminists have been falling over themselves to silence those men.
Okay, lets talk about perverts using progressive agendas as a smoke screen to silence anyone speaking out about their behaviours.
You want men to help solve things, you have to actually accept their help instead of handcuffing them for trying.
I’m just waiting until they remember why borders are a thing that exists.
No better time to start than the present, right?
The US behaving poorly in no way erases China’s history of bad behaviour on the International stage, and specifically towards Canada.
China has proven to the world that they don’t even intend to play nice with others.
The problem is that we’ve essentially invited the entire global population to participate in discussions regarding how our societies should function. For all you know you’re arguing with a meth head from LA about the nuance of English Law, or some old dude from Iraq with a 9yo wife discussing marriage reform, or a literal CCP agent deliberately attempting to undermine your government. I’m finding it really hard to believe that was not deliberate sabotage.
Well, he tried, but they clearly didn’t sell.
It honestly feels like computer technology was intentionally designed to be full of security holes.
Gamers need to get comfortable with not owning games
Turns out there’s a lot more to art than just tropes.
I’m fairly sure that’s exactly what the point is. Middle-Earth is the centre of their world, while Skyrim is the land at the very edge of their world.
Canadian Government: Visible confusion
I watched most of the first season of Mushishi, and ended up falling out of love with it. I’m not sure if it did ever end up going anywhere, but more than half way through there was still no cohesion or connection between episodes.
They “trust me” dumb fucks
They trusted that Zucker was a hell of a lot smarter than he actually is. That he was smart enough to recognize that building the Internet from square one on a foundation of lying and fraud wasn’t going to end up creating anything of value.
Yup. It’s going to suck a lot.
That still won’t ever make their stupid idea actually function in reality. They’re far too dumb to directly control everyone’s lives.
You’re supposed to recognize their undisputed superiority and turn yourselves into automatons for their pleasure, having no other options available to you.
Of course that never actually works, as it always ends up with someone like Moses or Jesus figuring out that you can, in fact, live perfectly fine in this world without their economic systems. As long as you’re willing to deal with the natural world directly.
Remember to hit the gym and lawyer up next.