LaVar Burton would like a word.
“And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you :3.” - Nietzsche
LaVar Burton would like a word.
There’s something so funny about her mental picture of Musk handing the president of the United States an iPad to play with while he tries to seize power.
There’s someone in that exact room who is more addicted to shitposting.
Not true. Germany and France have the more influence over the other members of the European Union than any other country. To say they have an equal say is like saying the US has an equal say in UN resolution voting. Sure, they have one vote, but many other members will lockstep vote in line with that country for multiple reasons. It’s called soft power… I’m sorry but how is anyone this dense?
You’re right that it’s not formed yet, however it would be pretty ignorant not to see the pieces on the board. To say that CDU and SPD are being handed an opportunity on a golden platter is an understatement. Not only that, but they both very aware of the direness of their situation. There is simply no world where this coalition isn’t formed, mark my words. Plus, you’re so, so, so wrong about nothing changing in Europe. To not understand the power a two party coalition has versus a three party coalition is like intentionally burying your head in the sand.
It might actually happen more now after the results of the recent German election. They formed a two-way coalition which makes it much easier to do anything.
It is an assfish, not a gyattfish after all.
I’ve seen more realistic animatronics.
If enough male CEOs get Luigi’d, eventually their replacements will bring equal gender representation.
Usually the more complex and deep episodes are Frakes. When you see his name as director, you know you’re in for a great ride. It’s probably partly because he’s ST royalty so he can push the envelope and doesn’t need to play it safe for his career.
Nope. I’m just saying the way you’re approaching this will absolutely not work and actually harms the cause you fight for more than it helps. The more rhetoric and logical fallacies you use, the larger a divide you create.
While you’re not wrong, this is exactly how nothing ever gets done. The whataboutism of pointing to another problem whenever any issue comes up is a surefire way to ensure that both problems never get dealt with. It’s not only destructive because of this though, the other issue is that the person that started derailing the positive momentum obtains a false sense of accomplishment, and they harm the cause that they were originally fighting for. So while your cause is valid, you’re coming about it in the most destructive way that won’t help anyone. If you truly care about indigenous rights, you should take a solutions-oriented approach instead of one of negativity and vitriol.
My favorite type of sphere.
As someone who had a similar experience and recently went through this process (although mine was over a year of waiting), I can say it’s pretty life changing. However, even in my case of now being on ADHD medication, it’s not a magical cure-all. Sometimes you focus too hard on the wrong tasks, or you forget to take your meds, or you feel completely ready to focus but for some reason you’re still not doing the task so you beat yourself up and second guess if you actually have ADHD or are just a lazy piece of shit. So it’s great and I hope you find what you’re looking for, but in my experience the medication is like being handed a heavy sword. It has the ability to defend you, but you still need to actively learn how to use it and put the effort into wielding it. A sword won’t defend you all on its own.
Never have I ever seen a snoot that doesn’t get booped
Similar to the Higgs boson, Garfield’s ass is instrumental in converting mass to energy.
The scientific laws that govern how everything functions from subatomic particles, to beehive structure, to gravity are absolute and unchanging. Our understanding of them is flawed and changes over time, but the laws themselves can’t be changed.
I think people are more talking about believing in scientific institutions to ensure credibility and good faith research. Not necessarily that an individual institution is credible, but more the scientific community as a whole can be relied on.
Science is absolute, however the way we interpret and understand it isn’t flawless and at the end of the day some level of belief has to be put into the fallible people behind it.
While I’m not in the camp that would make fun of him for his appearance (his existence is already a big enough joke), I think the logic comes from separating shaming people for their body versus attacking someone that you dislike and picking their body as the target. The key difference being in the reason for the body-centered insult; one is tied to hate for different looking people, whereas the other is tied to hating the person and finding something to attack about them.