Senior parrots, birds, birding, rock swaps, crystals & stone-cutting. Sometimes I write funny dialogue for the birds in your photographs. I read books, & I vote!
Formerly known as Peachfront on Twitter & Instagram, & Amethyst Qu on Medium.
Haven’t owned domain in years but you may find my old trip reports at
Pro Tip: Diaryland does not have any www’s.
#birds #crystals #photography #fedi22 #books #writing #selfpublishing #birding #nature
@GlassHalfHopeful @Peanutbuttergrits
not sure where they saw it, but if i saw it around here, i’d call it as Common Grackle
they do have that amount of brown but it’s a play of light type of thing where most of the time they just look like an all-over black bird until the light is striking their plumage at the right angle
@[email protected] @[email protected]
it is!!!
“i’m Big Mad u took the shot before i was ready for my closeup” – Madder than a Wet Kinglet
Oh, we have Madder than a Wet Mockingbird in the snow too
here’s my buddy, i’m going to post this picture in a separate post in a bit but i’ll also put it here so you can see the difference in proportions
it can get tricky with bird ID from a tight shot because you get no size information but the Mockingbird in life is also substantially larger
“My buddy” Mockingbird has extra white in his tail but you can’t see it from this angle
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deleted by creator
“you look like you might be tasty!”
in fairness that has always been Zuck’s stance on women
“i didn’t hide in these thorns to get noticed by the paps & yet here we are” - big mad hoopoe
tee hee
i did see a fairy but wasn’t able to photograph them (purple-crowned fairy)
@[email protected] @[email protected]
ha that little guy is a pretty peaceful birb
the real terror is their cousin the White-bellied Woodstar, similar size but it has a bouncing flight & “buzzes” as it flies so that you keep thinking it’s a big bee flying at you
i gather that it’s a great adaptation for making the larger hummingbirds stay back!!! besides making photographers jump 🤣
oh… i didn’t know about this name change, i need to fix my list
“i would have laughed if you told better jokes”-- grimly serious Laughing Falcon, probably
(PS- love these birbs!)
OK it’s answer time
this one is the same female Green Trainbearer from the photo I posted before but she’s turned so you can’t see the long tail-- thus she is super hard to distinguish (in a photo where you have just this angle) from one of many other green spotty hummingbirds, for example, Many Spotted Hummingbird…
“you’re making me nervous with a comment like that, pal”–Goldfinch, probably
(PS-- so cute birb is blushing with false modesty)
“i will floof you until you scream for mercy”
@[email protected]
“hey, buddy, no touching the 'do!”
(PS buffleheads are the best heads!)