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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • This concept needs to spread. Those record profits and the consolidation of wealth is a real-life exploit (a hack) of capitalism. These types of situations were never intended by the visionaries that designed capitalism. This entire clusterfuck of 1% having 99% of the money was never intended by design, nor seemed like a plausible situation to need to design protections for when the economy started getting destroyed by this situation. As the sickness of greed among policymakers grew, they punched holes in the system in order to exploit the mechanics of the capitalism to collect virtually limitless money while simultaneously denying other less privileged people not “in the know” the chance to do the same.

    Does anyone remember the original Super Mario Brothers, where you could get crowns, basically giving you more lives than you could possibly use? These capitalist hackers found a way to get crowns at the expense of the 99%, and nobody has any clue or organized any way to stop this hack/exploit from ruining it for everyone else.

    Capitalism has been hacked. If the system administrators don’t manually intervene and redistribute wealth, we are just going to keep circling the drain until it’s all over like a game of Monopoly where everyone except one entity is completely bankrupt.

  • As big media has screwed us by changing their offerings from products to services, as such I have changed my perspective about piracy. I will gladly patronize a creative by paying for their services, i.e. attending their performances. Their performance is a service. Their products, the media, is no longer. Copy it as you wish. They want to change the rules on us and convert what we buy from products to services which milk every last penny from us, contributing to this disastrous economy, they’re going to get a taste of their own medicine. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. They don’t like it when you used the rules they changed (intending to milk your wallet dry) against them. Boo hoo. I guess they don’t get that last million dollars. Meanwhile, we work 80 hours a week just to break even financially, but driving us further and further to the brink of madness, knowing that unless some revolution changes things, we will never be privileged enough to have earned enough money to accrue enough savings to retire, they’d rather have us poor and beholden to the 1%-ers above us. You should know this famous saying, “boss makes a dollar, I make a dime”. The people are starting to fight back with unprecedented coordination, thanks to the presence of the internet, which really hasn’t been present in previous revolutions. Big media has weaponized it against us, and we can do the same. We, the poor, use it to share our thoughts, which lead to a coordinated action to take them down a few pegs. The shit is rolling uphill, and the top brass is quietly panicking, rest assured they know where the real power comes from. Us.

    Today I was driving and I saw graffiti that really resonated with me. “I miss America” was written. I know the America they’re referring to. The America that existed before the rich fine tuned their weaponized capitalism, perfecting it in order to extract the most mosyndromecough) don’t want to acknowledge any responsibility for the effects of their actions. We’re about to see a miracle, folks,grab your money… shit is about to roll uphill! I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when they begin breaking down yelling, searching for others to blame during their final days in office, trying possible at all times, whether it’s immoral or unethical, they blame their inhuman position of inhumanity on “fiduciary duty to stockholders”. This garbage needs to stop. We, the laborers, are being driven to mental destruction. Why don’t they why they are the reason people are snapping, having psychological meltdowns and shooting up public places. All these mass shootings are the signs and symptoms of a sick society, they just prefer not to connect A and B. They don’t consider modern slavery being a factor in the deteriorating mental health of the entire working class, the 4 no room to retire based on the rules set forth from day 1, so they’ve effectively given them nothing to lose. The concept of “company loyalty” is a joke, because time after time, they’ve clearly demonstrated zero care about their employees, and illustrated there will be no 2-week notice when their that ć5d 0żdcorporate bean counter decides they could save money by giving employee A the tasks and responsibilities that employee B formerly had, and ditchingd##€l9765 kemployee B. Our overlords (especially those with out of control ego problems, coughorange Chevy Chase syndromecough). They will predict to deflect ownership of the disaster that has finally reached them. You know what they say, when a good The silver lining is by that point, the effects of the situation** they’ve created, which us poors have been living in, will be unstoppable. It’s just a matter of time now.