This may come off as rude, but I ask out of genuine curiosity: why would you think this is a good idea?
This may come off as rude, but I ask out of genuine curiosity: why would you think this is a good idea?
Professional athletes also have some of the strongest unions in the country, since they’re a small group of practically irreplaceable workers, and many of the league structures are the result of collective bargaining between played and owners.
Maybe a weird take, but check out some fencing shoes. There’s a ton of variety but they seem to have the traits you’re looking for:
It’s FOSS and decentralized/supports self hosting, plus has a large following in fediverse circles so it gets colloquially lumped in
Mlem also supports keyword filters
Those are arguably the most “made for humans” languages—they’re made to make humans laugh and/or headbutt a railroad spike in frustration
I stand all day. When I first switched I alternated when my legs got tired, but that only lasted a couple days.
Pure anecdote, but as someone with a long, shitty back, I definitely noticed a marked improvement in how my back felt when I switched to a standing desk.
And put two thirds of our oxygen cutters out of a job? They have families, you know!
Or if you’d prefer it in video form: https://youtu.be/eECjjLNAOd4
As with any public forum, by putting content on Lemmy you make it available to the world at large to do basically whatever they want with. I don’t like AI scrapers in general, but I can’t reasonably take issue with this.
Mandatory Firefly comment
Sekiro, and nothing else has ever come close. It’s so smooth and so fast that I drop into the flow state with no trouble at all.
No way to know. All it tells you is that they probably haven’t discarded your application, which is certainly encouraging, but I wouldn’t read too much more into it than that.
Unless your goal is to just get laid, don’t pretend to be anybody but who you are. If your date isn’t happy hanging out with your real self, there’s no future in that relationship.