I don’t remember NASA mentioning anything like that - either at the briefing I’ve just come across, or any other time they’ve talked about it.
So my guess is that they didn’t bother. Just hoping that whatever could cause the crew to have to return to Earth in a hurry wouldn’t also cause any problems with the cabin air in Dragon. (Problems like … there not being any! Or it being filled with smoke, or ammonia.)
Perhaps they would’ve gone with your plan if they’d had all the necessary equipment.
Weird. I wonder if the possible CCP spying incident of 2024-11-30 is related.
If any of the late-starting webcasts happened prior to that date, perhaps Yinpiao Zhou noticed it and was innocently curious. Or perhaps he actually is a spy and his handlers noticed and ordered him to investigate. If not, perhaps some/all of the late-starting webcasts happened because of Zhou’s drone flight.