I’m with your dad on this. There’s just too much profit in lying. And people are too willing to swallow whatever is waved in their face and repeat it as gospel.
These days, you can only trust your own eyes. That’s science.
Ok, yes. If you do a window that’s gonna get sprayed then it’s gotta be aluminum and plastic or whatever. That’s a fact. And uv resistant too of course. And that’s pretty common in the world of specify your dims and order a nice window.
And there are options for how it opens too. It doesn’t have to slide.
I forgot to mention the temperature swings. 60 one day, 30 the next. You getting those?
Get a $5 sheet of diffusor panel sticker. All the light with none of the image. Ez to apply.
And then crack the window 2" for air
A shower needs a window. A bathroom needs a window. It’s proper, natural and practical. A window provides necessary ventilation and cleansing light (uv). A bathroom without a window is a broken bathroom.
That said, bathrooms without windows are pathologically common.
I feel strongly about this.
Not flexiclick. 2 separate drivers sold together (with 2 batteries and charger). One drill, the other impact. I recall it not being too crazy expensive. But ya, only 12v.
I think that deception is the deeper badness. You could be deceived to the eyeballs and never know it. You’d think that you’re right, and all your friends are right, and everybody who disagrees is wrong and bad.
Are you sure?
I’m in usa. No green at the local hardware stores. Never saw it on usa amazon either. Hmmm. Maybe it’s a marketing thing.
I think the important difference is that they offend in 2 different ways. Bullying offends your … what, ego? And deception offends your morals? Or something like that.
I guess both offend your basic wellbeing too.
Here’s the thing. There’s more to good tools than breaking less. They also work better. Stronger motor. Smoother action. Longer battery life. Less stripping.
Dropping $300 on the makita impact driver kit is worth it. And I intend to do it.
4 balls means constant rage and hornyness. Also you get buff without having to work out.
All the bosch here are blue. I keep hearing about the green but never saw it. Maybe it’s a European thing. Or maybe our eyecells differ.
Okay I looked it up. Holy shit. Yeah there’s green ones I never saw them before
He did actually save those homeless people.
The thing about being deceived is you don’t know when it’s happening.
One replier derived racial implications, another harry potter school houses, and politics. It’s a ripe field.
I want a makita impact driver. Deeply. Tho that teal thrills me not at all.
We get that here too. Damn flipflopping temperature. Warm weather tricks everything into blooming then frost kills it .