Eggs are a staple food and an ingredient in an absolute fuck ton of things. They’re also very nutrient-dense and a major source of protein for vegetarians and people who can’t eat meat. Sure, you can just not buy eggs but that’s not realistic for everyone and it doesn’t stop the price of everything that includes eggs as an ingredient from going up.
That’s pretty much where I’m at as well. My riding is currently blue, and every piece of mass-mail propaganda I’ve gotten from the current MP has used a lot of words to say an awful lot of nothing.
I’ve generally voted NDP, but they need to make some leadership changes. I don’t believe that the current NDP leadership would be effective in handling the overgrown toddler running the show in the US, and PP would hand us to him on a silver platter. I don’t actively dislike Carney so far, so at least that’s something.