Here in St Louis they just shoot each other for fun
St. Louis officer gets 7 years for killing female colleague while playing Russian roulette
Agreed. Such a fun game, animation is great and humor is cute and quirky.
I couldn’t get through more than about a paragraph before getting prompted to subscribe so I’m still little confused.
Why get measurements of your child’s erections in the first place? How does this son feel about his PHI being shared all over the internet? Hard to imagine anyone being okay with that.
Omg that looks awesome!
Bummer that they’re out of stock…
Did those scientists never read jurassic park?
Not that bringing back the dodo bird or mammoths would have quite the same effect probably but species go extinct for a reason.
I went to the March for Science and was glad I did. It was cold and rainy but everyone was having a good time. Got to hear some great speakers and geek out with other scientists. It was really encouraging to see the scientific community come together. I’m hoping we will see more of that this time around.
Omg they are hilarious.
If I was on the twitters (or Blueskys now I guess) I’d definitely follow them.
Cool idea. Definitely one to follow, especially for basic patterns.
Some interesting patterns in there- one is literally a sheet with eye holes in it and is labeled “Zool”. (As in, the dominion of Gozer the Gozerian?) Lol
The font for the title looks like the font used for Campbell’s soup and I misread it at first thinking rhats what it said and wondered why anyone would make a movie about soup.
This movie looks considerably more interesting. Super excited to see Guillermo in something after What we do in the Shadows.
I remember this story coming out way back when Altman was kicked out of openai. Evidently shes been saying this for a while and his standard response was that she was in poor mental health and was either imagining it or making it up because of that. He comes across as a total nard and i tend to believe there was at least some dysfunction between them even if shes remembering things inaccurately. I hope the sister gets closure.
Yep. The guy got a large publicly available dataset (or one his university had access to) and mined it for interesting results to get a publication.
Having seen what the film industry did to Borderlands, my expectations are at about zero for this.
Maybe since it’s a Sony game and Sony movie they will respect the story, but who knows…
This seems like another crazy attention ploy that he likes to pull when he doesn’t want us to see what he’s really up to.
What is he trying to distract us from?
This means lenders will also be barred from using information about medical devices, such as prosthetic limbs, that could be used to require that the devices serve as collateral for a loan for the purposes of repossession.
What kind of sick dystopia do we live in where a prosthetic device could be used as collateral for a loan and reposessed???
Finally some f-ing good news for a change.
Isn’t the multi-player immersive sim thing what Arcane was going for with Redfall? That one didn’t work out so well…
This looks like 5 different houses in the photos. Crazy.
It ends with us is the undercover GOAT of this list, making about 14 times its budget, and with a relatively low cost of $25M.
Everything else cost more than $100M except Kung fu Panda and didn’t return nearly as much proportionally.
Yeah they literally made a movie about it.
This is a seriously stupid issue.
Why can’t we deal with this like twitters name change where everyone basically ignores it and just keeps calling it the same name as before?