Vegan anarcho-syndicalist.
Democratic-confederalist sympathizer.
Always antifascist.
I offer you capitalist dipshits a trade. Don’t do a genocide, and I will stop advocating for piracy to everyone around me.
@[email protected] Also, what I am doing is probably even worse for security. I am literally installing add-ons just to get dark theme back because I don’t want to be uncomfortable reading my screen.
So much theory crafting that ends up being just annoying and useless. Reminds me of that guy who said sorry for forcing symbols and special characters on passwords because he didn’t understand probability theory.
@[email protected] Yeah. I get it. But to turn off the feature entirely in the browser to even do that is pretty annoying.
I should have the freedom to choose to have dark themes on.
@[email protected] Ideally, we wouldn’t have needed to move. But capitalist dipshits always find a way to make us do things that inconvenience us out of necessity.
I trust my browser so much for personal and professional work it’s not even worth joking about when a company blames the user for “confusion” after removing statements about not selling off user data.
There is the legalese, and then there is the intent. As an anarchist, and a student of the opponents of anarchism throughout history, I wager intent to be the more important factor. #Firefox #Privacy #Security
@[email protected] It took a while, and I hate that it enforces light themes because somehow default dark themes make surfing less secure 🙄
But after forcing myself to use it, I have more or less set everything up for the future success. And not having to go through the settings removing Google search from default is already worth the hassle.
@[email protected] haha I’ll find out when I buy a brand new laptop after another 10 years.
But by then, I hope Framework laptops will be available locally here for purchase.
@[email protected] Windows 11’s installer forces you to choose a WiFi SSID. There is no skip button.
Once I realised I shouldn’t have put in my WiFi password, it was too late, and restarting the setup did not reset the storage of my password in the setup screen.
I couldn’t be arsed to turn off my WiFi just to open a shell in the installer, to disable network connectivity, when the purpose was to experience what a typical Windows 11 victim goes through.
@[email protected] I genuinely started to think everyone around me must have the patience of the Buddha after 1 hour of just the setup experience for Windows 11, before I could even use the laptop.
It was an Asus A16 AMD Advantage machine as well, so this was not a budget machine. The amount of bloatware that was probably crammed into the initial install, was that really necessary for a rather premium device?
I could not create a local user account too. Microsoft did everything to just make me give up and sign in with a Microsoft account, then I got email notifications that I had been signed up with McAfee?!
Starting to think the YouTube videos on Linux is not just the algorithm doing its thing, but people genuinely switching in large numbers.
@[email protected] Uhh… I am afraid I did not write what you claim. Odd how you just put words in my mouth. Very strange behaviour.