Block out your annoying wife’s contractions with these Audiophile Headphones™.
Block out your annoying wife’s contractions with these Audiophile Headphones™.
Although I understand this on a factual level, I still question the set of priorities that leads someone to install an operating system in order to run a single game.
Also, his wife must’ve been enthused to see he brought all his “performance upgrades.”
The left side is the position that definitions of intelligence are all arbitrary, and that psychologists just make up tests and call what it measures “intelligence.”
The middle is the position that there is a real thing that can be called “intelligence,” which can be defined in different (meaningful) ways, and that intelligence tests are objective ways to measure it.
The right side is the position that intelligence is probably still real and can probably still be defined in different (meaningful) ways, but that we can never directly measure intelligence and instead observe it indirectly through observable indicators like someone’s performance on an intelligence test. This means that any practical statement about intelligence, while probably real and definable, are contingent on the specific test used to measure it.
In his defense, that’s a pretty juicy looking armchair.
Is this what she meant when she called Hitler a “communist”? Not like “ew, communists” but “oh yeah, communists, like the good folks in the CCP who gave me money”?
not sure WHAT the Roman one is holding, but it doesn’t look like any recognizable weapon.
In this case, it may just be AI generated garbage. But historically, the Roman eagle was sometimes stylized holding bolts of lightning (as a reference to Jupiter).
Especially this part, which he apparently intended as a “joke”:
(…) if American democracy can survive 10 years of Greta Thunberg scolding, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk
Thunberg is an activist from Sweden who owns a social media account. Musk is a billionaire from Apartheid South Africa who owns a social media company and actively interferes in German elections.
Needless to say, the joke didn’t land.
And the same era as Musk, the current era’s Caligula.
T470 here (the anniversary model). I’ll part with it when someone takes it from my cold, dead body.
One big change that’s noticeable in many countries in the northern hemisphere is the disruption of the (northern) polar jet stream. The previous effects of the jet stream include a relative stability of (cold) weather in winter. Due to climate change, the jet stream becomes increasingly unstable, leading to winters with a back-and-forth between warmer periods and frequent “cold snaps”. It’s the latter that people point to, when they say “See? Climate change isn’t real”. The former is what people refer to when they say “There’s no snow anymore like there used to be”.
“The firings will continue until morale improves.”
Die Grundidee des ÖRR ist doch gerade, dass sie NICHT von Werbeeinnahmen abhängig sein sollen. Deshalb bezahlen wir Rundfunkgebühren.
Dass die Programmleitungen beim ÖRR mittlerweile so viele AfD-Positionen präsentieren liegt in meinen Augen eher daran, dass (a) die AfD den ÖRR seit Jahren als “Staatsfunk” diskreditiert und die Programmleitungen davor einknicken und (b) einige der häufig konservativen Programmleitungen diese Positionen gar nicht so schlecht finden.
Don’t even need to bring probability into this. Death is certain, and correlation requires variance.
In Germany, we have a version of Jägerschnitzel that is ultimately also just sausage slices fried with some breading. If the pie in the picture was maybe half as thick and properly baked, it probably wouldn’t be terrible.
Grüße gehen raus an Fritze Merz und all die selbsternannten Konservativen, für die diE gRüNen™ der politische Hauptgegner waren. Das ist euer Werk.