• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • All agreed. Some of my favorite content is very plain. Hickok45 has a couple of channels and zero frills. He just shoots guns and discusses the in and outs. He’s like your cool grandad. LOL, his new channel is just short videos of him sitting down and discussing various topics that are on his mind.

    Paul Harrel (RIP) was more formal in his presentations, but much the same as to costs. Paul videos are a masterclass on how to present a subject without bias. He would tell you what he’s going to tell you, tell you, tell you what he told you, and at the end invite you to form your own opinion. You get spoiled watching his single-take shots and start finding other YouTubers, with their constant edits, annoying.

    Peter Santenello looks to only spend money on gas and lodging while he cruises America with a selfie stick. Peter is highly recommended! You meet people you would never have met IRL and learn what life is like for them. He’s nearly without bias and asks tough questions at times. Only video I saw where he got a bit emotional was his trip to Kensington in Philly. He’s been to some hellaciously poor places in America but Kensington appalled him.

  • Wow! Never read that quote. Perfectly explains how American politics got to be such a mess. I laugh at all the revolutionary talk around here.

    material comforts

    Yeah, no, we’re so well-fed we have to find excuses for our rampant obesity. There won’t be a revolution until people are literally fighting for food and our masters will never allow that to come to pass. Look at lemmy, bitching and moaning about video game prices and such. We’re pretty fucking far from lacking material comforts. To add, a lot of people think they’re suffering, but haven’t seen a day of true poverty in their lives. Y’all, you’re suffering in comparison to what could and should be.

    cherished beliefs

    As fast as we in the West are dropping religion, notice the politicians haven’t done anything about the rampant sex abuse? Taxing the church? Unheard of! Let the masses have their silly beliefs, stick to the middle of the road if you must, get elected again.