shipwrk’d & coma-tose drink’n fresh granatapfel muttersaft

security researcher, open-source hardware+software engineer, ⚧dimensional slider, paradoxically lucid, glitch witch

  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • ekis@lemmy.worldMtoshy@lemmy.worldHi there
    1 year ago

    Yeah but you can’t also discount the amount of time invested people spend into learning a specific technique or software; people expect to get the most out of that time investment because for the most part it is difficult for people (aka they are not nerds for software like me); I might have time to package a KVM/QEMU with MacOS to create a macOS version of wine which wouldn’t be the best solution but itd be free which would b helpful to people. Will depend on how well M1/M2 software ports to other ARM64 but I doubt its too difficerent. OR probably just enough different

  • So I was looking at Bevy written in Rust

    Its like a combination of wanting to play with Rust, wanting to use the ECS system which seems very cool, and create a game or at least a virtual space I could use on stream that I can programmatically control then I could have an avatar. There is duel reasons for wanting a good engine that simple.

    If I could build a really good cell shade rendering engine I could write comic books and quickly setup scenes and get different angels. Itd be weird for sure I have considered using this

    The genart of 3D items does appear to be getting better quickly, just tested it yesterday but its only good at generated random items; but the truth is you can basically do what openSCAD does, and instead of making each screw type, you make them all parameters to generate any time of screw.

    I will write an article on all this new programmatic 3D stuff that has spawned from openSCAD which is programming version of CAD software. Which is used by engineers to model physical things.

    Again this is why we need an open database, also then we could pull down parts of it and throw it through standard diffusion to get what we want even offline

    With programatic models of say a table you could make each one randomizbly different as placed in the game world. And thats without the genart

    I like these open-source remakes of games, Id never do that or probably play it; I might use a custom opensource counterstrike client though

  • ekis@lemmy.worldMtoshy@lemmy.worldHi there
    1 year ago

    Yeah thre are core concepts with the software used to make music and once you learn those core concpts learning another program is mostly about the flow; they can essentially all have the same features at this point with VSTs

    I kinda wish there was a universal filetype so if you wanted to work with him from abelton it would export as like a ,song that could be loaded by fruity loops. Because I have the same problem, I use garage band because it came on this computer and i was really lazy about it. i would pirate logic but that takes more effort than i care for the extra features. right now i dont even have a midi controller so I am painting notes, But maybe using the different strategies helps develop something

  • In highschool I enjoyed making source mods. I wish they would have kept up with it, people are finally making it easy to work with again. But its a community effort.

    For some reason I’m really into the idea of building a game world where each NPC is a VM and what it does is basd on the software it has. And so players can program or more likely buy software from other people and add it to the people under their control. Its like saying: "there are always going to be botters in games, if the game currency has value which is a. positive thing for the game, then botteers will exist, so lets take advantage of botter skill by giving them exactly what they want. Software that can run while they are offline.

    Then possibly you can use their software to make the mosters smarter. I think they should be in a virtual or VLAN once they are in earshot of each other. that way they can coordinate. Oddly it would probably be useful to roboticists to simulate things doing this same trick but having it be the hardware they are using. I wish most people would model their inventions instead of buying dev parts.

    What I want too honestly is like /dev/body/leg0

    I think it would be funny and interesting but also just like forward walk and using variables like 80% of capable speed. So that it can be used more widly.

    Trying to intergrate the botters to work on your games AI instead of extract value of the game currency would be pretty different than what is done today.

    Because then it proves the concept while giving you the structure for simulation, testing, etc.

  • ekis@lemmy.worldMtoshy@lemmy.worldTheIntroOfAlan
    1 year ago

    It is a pleasure to meet you too, it has beeen really good for my mental health I think meeting so many interesting people in a short time.

    Hopefully I can keep dragging interesting artists, and other talents in here so when we decide on working together we have a variety of skills.

    Have you seen a starburst chart before? Its the style I like to visualize encryption keys actually to better use subkeys. I was thinking everyone interested in participating, people are free to lurk, we basically self access then overtime peer assessments would ideally make it more accurate. Because if we store like 3 of them, 1 that maps out skills, other one for things they would like to learn and another being their interests. I was hoping we could run small experiments on matching people up for lessons and having each do a peer review afterwards to develop learning tools that heavily involve people.

    I would like to teach more people, then obvio more people to help collaborate, but also so they don’t fall into one of those scams where its trade programming and they learn nothing about the system and write insecure and bad programs.

    it could also help match people to collaborate like LFG style possibly or just automatically find a task that could be completed with who is available.

    I need some Ruby programmers to help me fix Mastodon vanilla client, I could write the patch but I’m busy; but I have time to explain what needs to be done exactly and what patches need to be made. And I would be willing to take anyone wants to learn to porgram, and start teaching until you can write the patches. Its a pretty easy task I may just do it. I have to turn the /lib/* ActivityPub library into a Gem and then probably create a separate gem that uses a different activity pub server.

    Then there is always rewriting the jobs and getting rid of bloated sidekiq. Rails added jobs a while ago, literally no reason to have it.

    I think long as you are generally interested in the programming side of this project, and/or want to get into open source development. The concept of working under one banner at least on open source projects (for the time being) will provide a lot of benefits for us.

  • Not really, Logic, Abelton, Garageband is pretty good too honestly.

    And I’m a Linux fan girl. I just try to be a realist about software. You can run full macOS VMs in linux pretty easily, sometimes I use them as controllers in my multiverse operating system. so like the nested hypervisor is what I call the controller. its nested hypervisor is where the app VMs are are ran.

    But I’m thinking maybe at least a cheesy wine type setup is done where you load the whole VM launch the app and basically try to show you the output.

    Itd be really nice to just use their free software on a platform they never intended it to be used on. I think VMs are getting good enough might be plausible to build a wrapper library to quickly make *.app software usable.

    Just a thought from a tired person <3

  • You are right it could be done client side but it would have to then add a negotiation to determine if its even possible if your client is to be backwards compatible, youd probably have to use timeout as a failure; or maintain a list of clients but I think that method is messy. There are quite a few problems with the Torrent protocol, it could use a rewrite and I don’t say that lightly; I mean I use xmpp and smtp and ssh all the time, I like to keep it simple but the person who runs the project too is a lil wacky.

    But the protocol itself has tons of efficiency, they are very slow to add new features and ideally youd want there to be a negotation in place to ask about compression otherwise you have to rely on timeeouts; which is a viable strategy.

    For example do mutable torrents exist yet? Because that would be very nice functionality, especially if mutability control was tied to keys, and then you could do some interesting multisignature stuff to control mutability of the torrent.

    But another reason I think the protocol needs an update is their merkle tree design could be massively improved by simply not using a static block size; beyond the fact it creates a very noticeable fingerprint, I mean the key developer doesn’t like pirates and a lot of kids had their lives fuckd because the developer never bothered to make the traffic difficult to find even when encrypted.

    I been meaning to make a client with a tracker, to see how that works in this protocol. I’m thinking like it could make it so everyone could share their stuff easier; and would probably want an onion address for discovery (at least that would be easy.

    I would like to be helpful to the leftist podcast listeners sometime and write a torrent downloader to download the kingdex podcasts in hard to get torrents and present it as an RSS for them; like a abstraction or a shim.

    anyways im still not feeling all that well, take care

  • I found a Rust engine that is really simple and uses the new object model for games that I have never tried.

    Then use generative art or genart to make prompt based 3D models, and programmatically fill the scene with all the new 3D scene programming tools.

    Its better to learn game theory and design the game on paper first and decide victory conditions and if those are obtained by what combination of skill/chance. More chance the easier the game.

    I never played DnD so that would be fun, I have only done GM. But I think its because it gave me an opportunity for a mult-media art project where I didn’t have to decide the plotline just the parameters of the world. Its like how in Snowcrash the world is so much more interesting than the plot it overshadows it–

    I was thinking about creating a game with 3 or 4 economic systems and they are in constant battle, so you join the single system (will be perceived as authoritarian almost regardless what I do) communist, the anarcho capitalist, syndicalist communist, then maybe a socialist group.

    Then have a game world with each system having its own currency that gets traded against each other. And the systems compete for territory, basically with a simulation of each system already running via NPCs then throw in the players.

    But here is the twist, to spawn you have to pay like 10 cents or a quarter. And death is permanent.

    And to top it off, the profit made from spawns, make like 50% the prize money for winning (since its a game of skill).

    The prize money value will be seen going up and make people want to spawn more. I was thinking free spawns at a certain time interval to avoid being too annoying.

    But it takes the monetary parts of the game and makes them punishment and reward; since in gamedev if you monetize they become entangled concepts. One will always affect the other. Most games let players buy meaningless changes like skins because they dont want the monetization to affect the game play but then some directly make it pay-to-win.

    This is pay-to-play and win-to-real-world-reward

    I was thinking of doing it isometric just fine some nice line drawing ones and see if I can generate some scenes with them.

    Honestly Id just like a nicely cell shaded engine I could drop 3D things in to create scenes programmatically for a variety of reasons it just happens its the same thing game developers are usually doing.

    I have played with a lot of engines, I think they are very cool. Someone implemented the source engine in Go and its a fun read.

    Not really feeling good today