Nothing actually said “hot” though
Nothing actually said “hot” though
My only real reason is the amount of stuff I’d have to move over
The first thing I saw was that it was deleted and I’d already blocked them, looks like they’re even worse than I thought.
I don’t know much about Romans. Eventually it became an empire with an emperor and all though.
It kinda is, everything falls on that scale, either people are being represented and representing themselves or they aren’t. Everything else is just the mechanics of that.
Teamspeak is alright, in fact we use it along with discord for inter-channel Comms. But discord does a lot of stuff that ts doesn’t touch
So you’re all for dictatorships then?
Is shitlib the only thing you know how to say? What’s liberalism even got to do with anything here? Actually no I don’t care, I’ve seen the other threads.
Dwarf fortress is one of those games I keep going back to. Aurora is similar but I can see how it’d be more opaque. DF premium means I’ve had to relearn years of muscle memory though.
I think you’re missing the point… Political actions after they’ve received a degree should be irrelevant to said degree.
Maybe I’ll updoot, maybe I’ll downdoot who knows? You don’t have to worry about internet points here
I like ww2 but not Romans (that whole period is overrated and mid), how racist do I have to be now?
I’m just reminded of the fog men in kenshi
Yeah it definitely feels weird until you start getting more things to use
So it’d usually be normal mapping, not bump mapping. Iirc bump maps are just height data and can’t hold normal information (surface face directions in short). Anyway it looks to me like either a normal map or more likely just a flat tire texture. The key tell is how the tire geometry is mostly just a cylinder. If you look at the edges it doesn’t follow the tire pattern.
The biggest thing in control was the reflections iirc
The main problem with these is giving people control of these properties without them knowing how the cameras work in real life.
Yeah, chromatic aberration when done properly is great for emulating certain cameras and art styles. Bloom is designed to make things look even brighter and it’s great if you don’t go nuts with it. Lens flares are mid but can also be used for some camera stuff. Motion blur is generally not great but that’s mainly because almost every implementation of it for games is bad.
Wow, look at all these plurapodes