It depends on the size of your mouth, dental hygiene and other factors. The best thing you can do is talk to a dentist about it.
It depends on the size of your mouth, dental hygiene and other factors. The best thing you can do is talk to a dentist about it.
Jericho (2006) is a post-apocalyptic drama about a town sheltered from a nuclear catastrophe in the US. Shows it’s age in a few spots but still a great watch.
My parent bought bagged milk in Alberta all the time in the 80s
Sure, but isn’t Reddit the one who gets to choose what counts as bannable?
Wow, I’m genuinely shocked Danielle Smith said something that I actually agree with.
That was beautiful. ♥️
My understanding is that weak beer was the source of people’s water intake for most of human history.
Haven’t seen this one yet but I’m a big fan of his more analytical content.
Prolly the daily giant bong rips
Of course not. He’s white, connected and powerful.
Always felt like reflektor was not quite as strong as funeral or the suburbs. Maybe I need to give it another listen
Sony just isn’t the name it used to be, unfortunately. I also bought a wireless speaker from them which loves to simply refuse to pair to my phone occasionally.
No. No one else, which is great.
Just chiming in to say STAY AWAY from sony. My wf-1000xm4s have been plagued with issues, and even after an RMA issues with them connecting inside the case still persist. Ridiculous for the price point.
I was a zombie at work today because I kept convincing myself it’s just an extra half-hour.
You ain’t no ape
Carter Amelia Davis is currently my favourite channel. Very surreal art. So Extremely Itchy is her best work imo.
Unless the rest of the investors sell everybody’s DNA to the highest bidder to recoup their losses…