That’s disheartening to hear. At least Tesla has to sell cars to even stick around and it doesn’t look good for them in Europe so far.
That’s disheartening to hear. At least Tesla has to sell cars to even stick around and it doesn’t look good for them in Europe so far.
I was about to say, this seems pretty slam dunk for them.
I’ve had this discussion with a friend of mine at length. He’s an “independent” and votes such. I think an approach to the 2 party system without ranked choice will always be a losing battle. We agree the system is broken, but have vastly different opinions on how we can approach it.
Trying to explain that systemic issues that go back generations cannot be solved overnight. Even 20 years would not be enough to see a large enough change in society, and how others are perceived. Think about it, our civil rights movement was only 60 years ago where people of color and whites were segregated and explicitly did not have equal rights.
Personally, and I hope I’m wrong, I see the next 4 years being a downward spiral. Those who voted for Trump are so closed minded, they grasp for anything that remotely supports their position.
It’s impossible to help those who do not want to be helped.
It’s difficult. You’ve got people that vote red or blue for no other reason than that’s what they’re told to do by peers/family. They don’t look at the possible outcomes, just that “they win”. And wanting to help people is almost looked down upon in many facets of society.
America has a critical thinking problem, coupled with an extreme lack of genuine empathy. Don’t let the “nice American” bit fool you if you ever travel here. The nice small talk is a front, and you can very easily find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Health care is a great example. Or anything LGBTQ+.
Honestly, it’s a culture thing. It’s toxic as hell and hard to navigate.
Breakdown is probably a non-military version of “debriefing”. Just because you completed the project, doesn’t mean that there are’t obstacles you didn’t initially account for that you’ll need to address during the project. It also helps to break down (heh) how successful the project was, or if there will be follow up actions. Then you cleanup once unknown unknowns are taken care of.
I agree. I certainly felt the outcome was going to be much different.
I didn’t think “Dems got beaten pretty bad in the election” was open to mean all elections.
They weren’t beaten badly, it was barely a 1.5% margin. Electoral votes….different story. But even then, this illustrates that a few more votes in key states would have had a drastically different outcome.
It’s wild, I don’t remember the Witcher 3 being anywhere near this bad. I had my own issues in that game regarding the combat and some bs moments that made me reload and lose an hour because I was dumb and didn’t quick save, but cyberpunk doesn’t even feel like a cdpr game. Which is good in some ways I guess that they were able to break their own mold.
Idk, there’s just a bunch of little issues still. But if this is what it’s like 4 years later I can’t even imagine what it was like at launch.
I picked up cyberpunk last summer (finally) and while it’s visually stunning and fairly immersive, I had some game breaking bugs where I had to reload several hours beforehand and redo certain missions until they triggered properly. Not once, but several times. And I didn’t even mod anything.
I think my favorite was fast traveling with Claire, ending up in the sky and falling out of the truck. Reloaded, did the mission again only to splatter myself and die because I got shot out of the truck. Third time she wouldn’t stop driving around the block. I let it go for a good half hour just to see if it would end but it never did. Eventually the AI just kept driving into the wall of a building. Reloaded….again.
There were a lot of others but that took me all afternoon just to finish that one race. I had probably a dozen similar issues throughout my playthrough and it really tanked my enthusiasm for the game. I’ll finish it eventually.
Yea this stinks of someone’s palms not getting greased enough.
Grind culture in a nutshell.
Sorry, I meant to say for your current phone. Otherwise you’ll have some sort of road block if the carrier sees your current phone as locked. I had that issue with Sprint years ago.
You can verify by going to Settings->General->About.
Towards the bottom there should be “Carrier Lock” and it should say/list “No SIM Restrictions”.
If it doesn’t, you’ll need to call your provider to have them unlock the phone.
Your last sentence makes it seem like you’re saying they’re all USA made, which they are not.
A lot of fender guitars/basses are made in Indonesia and Mexico. Hell, some of the best fenders ever made were made in Japan and are highly sought after.
Same thing with Gibson. The others I don’t have any knowledge of.
Oh man I am so ready for the Gamers Nexus deep dive on this.
They did give out actual Gwent decks when you preordered the expansions. Idk who made them, Warner Bros I think, but they’re pretty good.
Some places don’t require insurance. Like in Virginia, you can pay the DMV $500 for the “uninsured motorists fee” and legally be able to drive a vehicle without a loan/lien. But yea, for the most part this applies.
I’ve worked at a couple of Mom & Pop places in the south during my youth, and generally they were terrible with money, racist, and tried avoiding taxes any way they could.
Small sample size with a sprinkle of confirmation bias on my end, but there are usually signs.
Always need help? Discount on cash purchases? Making the customer pay the credit card transaction fee?
There are many others, but those are generally the biggest ones where management is just interested in customer sympathy and the bottom line.