Oh no not you again
Oh no not you again
That’s good to hear, good luck on your next space adventure!
I love TI. I’m currently playing an asynchrone game over discord, and a weekly “one round a night” game on TTPG. We’ve yet to try discordant stars but very possibly next game, how do you feel about it?
Authorities are investigating a possible link to drug trafficking, terrorism implies some sort of political revendication/objective which so far has not been the case
That could still change, a number of the victims might still die from their wounds unfortunately
My personal experience is that I just translate one idiom from one language / culture to the other without realising and still expect ppl. to know what I mean.
That often works in my experience, and can lead to funny moments
It’s great, I have an asynchrone terraforming mars game running with some friends
Well apparently your spelling was perfectly fine, and neither of us were aware both spelling were acceptable, so we both learned something
I didn’t realize! I thought in this context lede was the only correct spelling, I suppose I should thank Cunningham’s Law for learning something
(just fyi, it’s “buried the lede”)
I’m not a lawyer (nor married), so my understanding is limited, but if both spouses agree to divorce (with or without agreeing on the exact conditions e.g. childcare), then that would constitute a no fault divorce. It seems to get messier if one spouse doesn’t want to consent to the divorce, then the notion of fault starts appearing. And that’s where my incomplete knowledge stops, both on the letter of the law and how it is applied in practice. The judge seems to have a lot of latitude as to whether the fault, if any, leads to consequences (financial reparations are a possibility).
You’re of course correct in English, I just wanted to share that the currency sign goes after the value in many other languages, so it’s an easy mistake for ESL people to make.
That’s fair, but somehow I never seem to see hatred directed towards any other nationality on Lemmy, aside from Americans.
You might just not hang out in the right places to see it, but anywhere there’s a European political community, you will see plenty of shit talk and hate and blame being thrown around, especially towards the bigger euro countries like Germany, France and the UK (though not limited to).
I’m not saying there isn’t a good explanation as to why you might have been condescending, or that you are a dumb proud maga American, or anything of the sort, but keep in mind that we can’t guess what you might be thinking, all we have to go on is what you write and some of it that I highlighted does make you look a certain way.
There’s for sure some of that conflation happening, but I don’t think it can be ascribed to any particular group, it’s just a bad habit/process a lot of people use regardless of where they’re from. I don’t have a solution for that, and I doubt it’s something you can correct on an online social media platform.
Assholes will be assholes, we don’t need to put them in an American or euro or whatever else case to recognize them as such and deal with them.
While you are probably correct that criticism of the USA (and of its citizens) pops up too often in unrelated topics, I think that you are basically just discovering what it is to not be the ultra dominant demographics on a platform. It doesn’t mean it’s right or anything, everyone should strive to make Lemmy a welcoming place, but it’s certainly going to take work on both sides. That said, I would like you to re-read some of what you wrote:
and their obvious jealousy and insecurity regarding Americans
For one thing, my command of the English language rules that out, which isn’t something I can say about many of you.
America controls the world, and Europeans are salty about it. I didn’t even realize how salty until I started using Lemmy
I swear to God I’ma start criticizing the metric system again
The amount of condescension dripping from your comments is frankly off the chart, and you should maybe take a minute to ponder whether you are actually behaving as you preach, rather than just being in your own American circlejerk, as you might have called it had the shoe been on the other foot.
In any way, being an admin/mod is a thankless task, so I for one appreciate you for doing that, and maybe everyone can learn a bit from sharing a community.
You’re not jacking off to it, it’s more that masturbating is more important to you than whatever it is
I never really clicked with EE, when I felt like magic I was usually doing something like Deep elf conjurer, or sometime High Elve (rip them) and go for a sword and sorcery style I really enjoyed
Hopefully this leads to actual performance increases for gameplay