Why “quite literally”? Did they hire an actual troll for a lawyer?
Why “quite literally”? Did they hire an actual troll for a lawyer?
Not very familiar with Austin, why is it important that Joe Rogan is fucking straight guys and telling everyone about it?
Well, to be fair when it comes to not understanding that their law doesn’t apply world-wide Americans are also right up there in the top ranks.
From my reading, it’s the latter. The patent seems to try to monopolize the idea of throwing an object to catch a monster. Which has been done so, so many times before.
Including but not limited to RL millenia before videogames were even invented.
Superhuman intelligence is not threatening about AI, inhumane behavior is and corporations don’t just display that occasionally but constantly.
It looks more like people have to fight a constant battle to keep capitalism in check because capitalism itself is incapable of rational behavior and just does the same things to optimize profits regardless of consequences for any other indicators.
So to explain the shape it is America’s prolapsed colon?
Have you seen the behavior of parties captured by the capitalist end of the political spectrum? They very much are not the rational actors trying to preserve their own income by keeping consumers alive. If they were they would try to optimize consumer health and spending money instead of aiming for highscore-like accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few that can’t spend it on anything meaningful any more anyway because they can already afford everything that could meaningfully improve their life a million times over.
I wasn’t so much thinking about use in games as just use in other software on the system that keeps running while the game is in use. The game can coordinate its own resource usage but independent software has a harder time with that.
I am so sick and tired of these control problem people not understanding that a) we do not have AI that is anywhere near as advanced as they worry about and b) we already have human organizations called corporations who have been acting exactly like the AI they worry about for decades.
One thing that might also require more memory in the future is to do both at the same time (keep LLMs loaded while gaming).
Wouldn’t that detection of VMs severely limit which Linux servers it can infect considering how many servers run virtualized?
Yes, if that was the purpose that data would be quite useful.
The Index’s initial report provides first-of-its-kind data and analysis based on millions of anonymized conversations on Claude.ai, revealing the clearest picture yet of how AI is being incorporated into real-world tasks across the modern economy.
I feel this is a bad way to determine impact since from an AI conversation transcript’s point of view “excellent result, let me present that to my boss and clients” and “total horseshit, let me use something other than an LLM for this task” look essentially exactly the same.
Also never even start optimizing until you profile and are sure the bit you are trying to optimize even matters to the overall performance of your program.
Might make an interesting science fiction novel, AI takeover via teaching the next generation as an AI assistant to their parents.
Makes sense, taller Germans throw too much of a shadow to make the solar worth it.
I usually use cargo upgrade -i allow --pinned --verbose
and that works just fine. What isn’t working for you?
Does that mean once he is done with them the war in the Middle East will be fought with strip clubs (made from sticks and stones found in the Gaza strip)?