Might make an interesting science fiction novel, AI takeover via teaching the next generation as an AI assistant to their parents.
Might make an interesting science fiction novel, AI takeover via teaching the next generation as an AI assistant to their parents.
Makes sense, taller Germans throw too much of a shadow to make the solar worth it.
I usually use cargo upgrade -i allow --pinned --verbose
and that works just fine. What isn’t working for you?
Not sure what you are trying to do but drag&drop UI design is not as popular as it was back in the 90s mainly because modern applications and games often need to run on a variety of window and screen sizes so they need to be more dynamic than the graphical approach to building them can handle both in terms of sizes and aspect ratios and also in terms of omitting and replacing UI elements on smaller screens.
And with a male protagonist you lose all the “I don’t want to stare at a guy’s ass for an entire game” demographic.
Most wrinkles will be gone a few minutes after putting it on anyway because of body heat.
And it is not even like grinding in a game like, say, Minecraft, where you work on getting some resource and then get to look at something nice you built with them afterwards, it is often literally just some checkbox or counter.
Funnily enough I don’t watch movies very often for similar reasons. They feel so shallow compared to a good series due to the limited time the creators have to tell any stories.
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Some of it was voter suppression. And not just the overt kind but also things like voting on a weekday and hour long queues when in most civilized countries voting takes less than half an hour total including wait time even at the busiest times of day.
Making friends online who don’t live anywhere near you is probably another thing more common among science fiction and fantasy readers than in other genre target audiences.
Books so large they literally fuck up your wrists from holding them for too long are certainly part of the reason physical books are on the decline in some fields.
Is reading RSS feeds on your PS3 a good substitute for playing PS5 online?
Politically however it seems to be all right lately.
Presumably science fiction and fantasy readers are more likely to use e-books and audio-books over paper books and more likely to use online stores over brick and mortar than some other demographics.
You forgot to mention the B-52Q flying above (somewhere between the current models and the B-52X at the time of the Enterprise D decommissioning)
But he also sabotaged rail projects with his hyperloop nonsense.
Must be from one of those bird species with spotted eggs?
That does actually sound like a fun game.
Also never even start optimizing until you profile and are sure the bit you are trying to optimize even matters to the overall performance of your program.