Seriously, they make it seem like this is new. Been a pirate since the early days of Napster. Hell, was pirating DOS games on floppy in the early 90’s. Video stream pirating is just the latest form, and won’t be the last.
Seriously, they make it seem like this is new. Been a pirate since the early days of Napster. Hell, was pirating DOS games on floppy in the early 90’s. Video stream pirating is just the latest form, and won’t be the last.
I also feel like I need to add that many people either don’t see 3d (and don’t realize it, my father and daughter included), or have poor depth perception making the effect headache inducing. This accounts for a reasonable amount of the public, making the effect either worthless or not worth the strain.
Personally love 3d movies. Obv many are built around the 3d and that can feel gimmicky, but many like the marvel ones just add an extra element of depth which is nice.
Used vr headsets for 3d, and have had a series of protectors that do 3d for it. Thought it was dying out, but newer 4k projectors keep adding the feature.
But I agree the general public opinion is it’s not worth it, so the studios will follow the money. If people vote with their wallets I’ll just have to accept the limited library I have so far.
After just 6 days? Beautiful. Mine is always so slow.
My first guesss is if there only growing around the edges, it may be either airflow or moisture related. It may be worth letting the tub go a bit longer to see if you get a serious mold infestation, it’s possible it’s competing with something in the soil you can’t see. Had mold get into my mother jar due to some improper handling and had to toss it all.
If you really use YT and YT Music enough, and have a family that does the same and pitches in on the cost, it makes sense. No ads without the fuss.
Any other situation, it’s a lot more questionable if it’s worth it.
How? I had the same plan and got an email saying they wouldn’t honor the grandfathered plan and I was still being upped. I think they gave me an extra month or two at the lower rate and that was it.
Wow, that was … terrible
Am I the only person that saw “Wrocław” and tried to swipe away dust on my screen?
I feel like my steam library is just an ode to all the game streams I’ve watched.
I’ve never bothered to comment at reddit. Just figured I’d get lost in the heap of other comments.
Actually get heard here.
Been using it since day one. Really wish they’d find a way to fix links so they stay in mlmym.
Also, I can’t block a sub, have to go to it natively, no button to hit.
Otherwise, really nice and familiar interface.
Completely dumping reddit. I wasn’t sure if there would be enough content over here to replace it, but has picked up significantly in the past couple weeks.
c/egg_irl ?
Just switched due to the news. Let’s gooooo