But at that moment one of the other girls, Jaimie, piped up. "Hold up. Do we even need to do anything?", confusion plain on her face.
Rhonda thought for a moment, and replied "What do you mean?"
"It's just that any guy that would make fun of her would be trash to begin with, right?" Jaimie reasoned.
"Yes?" Rhinda replied, seeing where this was going.
"So, who would even like them as a friend?"
"Yeah, that makes sense!" One of the others said.
"But they do *still* have friends." Rhonda put in. "Nobody's *actually* friendless, right?"
"Yeah, I guess. But wouldn't their friends also be trash?" Jaimie questioned.
"Yes, probably." Rhonda responded, not liking where this was going at all.
"So, they would probably only date trash girls, but not even a trash girl wants a trash boyfriend."
"Uh-huh." Cam Rhonda's response, non-plussed. "But, what about wife beaters? They are trash, and they can still get girlfriends."
This continued for a couple of days. In the end, the problem didn't show itself, because even dickheads cave to peer pressure and social norms in high school. It did come very close to happening when a freshmen misgendered the girl, but that had more to do with the restrictive policies the school has with regards to gender identity, and was swiftly resolved when the combined pressure of an entire cheersquads warning glares crashed down upon the hapless boy.
Lizzie wore it better.