Agreed….except for me it’s surprise dental work that started today that insurance doesn’t fully cover 😩
Agreed….except for me it’s surprise dental work that started today that insurance doesn’t fully cover 😩
Well….notice all the tables and chairs between her and the tv. There are lines on the floor under the Tv which are where you are supposed to be throwing from. The Axe throwing places ive been to have pretty serious rules about how and where to throw from, so this might actually have fallen back on her, not the venue…
My 4 year old daughter recently got hooked on Sailor Moon…so I’ve slowly been 3d printing her the Crescent Moon wand. I dont have a multi-color printer so I’ve had to do some 3d modeling work to separate some of the files of a design I found so I can print it correctly in the various colors without the need to paint. It’s almost done, then I’m going to figure out how to make it light up for version 2….
That’s my thought as well. Considering none of his is actually twisted pair, likely not “data” rated- just old multi-line POTS cabling…BUT- im pretty sure all exterior “burial” rated cable has always been filled with something for the purpose of preventing water ingress. I want to say icky-pick was a nickname for it?
Neat. I love happy little surprise conveniences left by someone else! As someone who deals a lot in low-voltage stuff, i really like this one.
Ya, i woke up this morning to my entire feed being nothing but their “rules” posts. Didn’t take more than a few minutes before that place got blocked. My block list is sooo long here….
I’ve definitely bought some in the last…4 years that are still standard replaceable 9v only powered. In the US from local hardware stores. A quick amazon search shows i can still buy both types, replaceable 9v and fixed 10 year…
If you’re in the US, RockyMountainATV/MC has always been my go to for the best OEM parts availability and prices for offroad bikes. Not to mention great selection of aftermarket parts as well. KLX should still get some parts support from there, likely sharing parts with the KX line. They might actually ship out of the US, but ive never tried?
My next go to is, but RMATVMC almost always has the best prices and best shipping for OEM.
That’s not what this is…this isn’t a breakout board or a development board. This is just straight up, drop-in power supply for bare breadboards. If you dont know what breadboards are….well…
Lately we’ve been acquiring and rewatching a lot of old 90s cartoons/TV shows with our daughter, and i feel this so much. The fade-to-black at a particular scene for the commercial break, the ‘brought to you by…’ that’s written in. And then the nostalgic memory of the types of commercials that would play, like for different toys and such that were sometimes just as exciting to watch as whatever show was on!
Oh yea…didnt think of that. But i have heard of that method for lots of things!
So how do we have readings going so far back, like even in the late 1800s? Is this just an assumed average for back then?
Oh yeah, im no stranger to blocking users and entire communities on this platform….there’s just usually the initial wave of whatever the new spam is until i can get my feed cleaned up again.
There’s been a recent flood of it here, though. A new (i think) page titled ‘gifs’ started flooding my All feed and pretty much every post is a “watch till the end” for a 10sec clip…🙄
Yes, but more often than normal this time of year. Our current house doesn’t have a fireplace, so I’ll put on some fireplace loop video on the TV and use Sonos (through the TV audio system) for the music. Sonos is already our main source for any music in the house and not all fireplace videos have decent music, or at least whatever music we might want at the time.
When I used to play MMOs I did this fairly often as well during the grind. Wouldn’t really need the game audio, so I’d just pipe something else in.
Ugh. That’s awesome. Gotta have them now! Mainly because I dont even have (or have heard of) most of those! Interesting that Children of Húrin isn’t in any of these sets. I feel like it was a long enough book alone to not have been incorporated into one of these…
Isn’t voting open for much longer than 1 day? Polls are already open…and so is early voting and mail-in ballots, etc. Election Day is just like the last day when (allegedly) the winner is decided. Not really a point for a full-on, everything closed type holiday, or even a “bank holiday” like President’s Day.
Thank you. I’ve been so tempted to start doing this every time i see this pointless extra line….
AkShUaLlY…. It’s pronounced “Kel-a-born”….but I still applaud your humor!
Most, if not all c’s are pronounced as hard K’s in Elvish (Elven?) languages.
It does get a little weird with places like Cirith Ungol, but there are, allegedly, older maps where it’s spelled Kirith.
This is like the new (horrible) meme trend. So many “POV…” that should be MFW, or just dont add anything. It’s like everyone forgot wtf POV means…. This and the “Literally nobody: “ extra lines are what make me put my phone down and go to something else….after i leave this comment, of course…