By law, you are not liable.
There are hundreds or thousands of different jurisdictions in the world. I don’t think you can say this confidently unless you know exactly where OPs server is located.
By law, you are not liable.
There are hundreds or thousands of different jurisdictions in the world. I don’t think you can say this confidently unless you know exactly where OPs server is located.
Where you do not get to dobt murder someone.
I’ve read this like 6 times and I can’t figure out what you’re trying to to say so I can’t respond to it.
By some how inventing the dont murder somone option.
If you don’t pull the lever you haven’t murdered anyone. The person who tied them to the tracks murdered them. You were just standing there.
Just because you dont like it. Dos not mean you get to invent your own interpretations.
I’m interpreting it the way it’s written. There’s only 2 possibilities, murder one person or let 4 die by not murdering that person. “I choose not to decide” is the latter. It’s not a third option. There is no third option.
Hence why the trolly problem is equivalent to a political vote. Not voting has the same effect as not making a choice between one or 5.
There is no “not making a choice” in the trolley problem. You either don’t murder someone, or you murder someone and rationalize it. Those are the only two possible options. Creating a third option out of thin air is exactly what I was describing when I said people often misinterpret it.
This is more likely. These vast conspiracies like the one you replied to are giving him too much credit. The guys just not that well thought out.
Fuck, mescaline is legal? I def have to go back
If you have a proper web filter it explains to the user why they can’t get to CNN when they attempt to get to CNN
Some cars should never get higher octane fuels. Like some cars should only ever get 87 and no higher.
Theres no benefit to using “premium” gas in a car that doesn’t require it. Higher octane prevents dieseling in a high compression engine. It does nothing in a regular engine, it’s just an additional additive you don’t need.
I visited CO this year. My friend who lives there recommended an Italian place, so I went and ate. As I was leaving I decided to find a dispo and buy a pre roll to smoke while I waited for the bus. Looked on Google maps and there were 5 within a half mile lol. Denver rocks.
Shout-out to Gaetanos on Tejon St
Maybe 20 years ago before everyone had a mini computer with its own internet connection in their pockets
unnecessary overhead on IT.
If they’re running a proper web filter it’s a single checkbox for the “news” category
It’s not illegal to email a government employee and tell them to knock that shit off
I expected to open this thread and see 30 recommendations for stardew valley but I don’t see any. So stardew valley.
I don’t. I see someone pointing out a quirk in language.
You nailed it, so of course you’re getting downvoted lol
If the only thing stopping you from shooting people is the law then you may not be as good as you think you are
Poor Derek Chauvin. He went through all those grueling weeks of training to become a police officer so he could murder people with impunity, and the woke mafia stole that dream from him.
As opposed to targeting the people not responsible for these actions with death, as the war hurt regular afghanis the most?
Your entire approach to to this subject is bordering on Bond villlan levels of evil. Why does your breath smell like al saud semen?
I don’t think we should have attacked anyone. We should have sanctioned the fuck out of Saudi Arabia. Cut off the funding and al Qaeda dissolves on its own without firing a shot.
If you deleted the content the authorities have no evidence a crime was committed other than one witness saying “yes, totes CSAM”. They’re not going to be able to pursue the uploaders on that alone, and reporting it will only draw attention to yourself. If it was me I’d shut down or lock down the server and move on.