So do you think there should be a minimum that should be tipped or are you okay leaving a measly amount if they don’t pass your arbitrary standards?
So do you think there should be a minimum that should be tipped or are you okay leaving a measly amount if they don’t pass your arbitrary standards?
Because a server makes about $2 an hour and the restaurant requires you to tip in order to have them make a livable wage. I think we should move away from it but if you go to a restaurant that supports tipping then you should tip. Tip more for great service but tipping nothing or next to nothing is just scummy behavior regardless of service.
That’s great, I think we should abolish tipping culture
If they aren’t bringing your food then they aren’t a server
So the foh staff is paid a normal wage?
Server has nothing to do with presentation. Have you ever worked in that field?
You know the server doesn’t cook, right?
I like that
deleted by creator
Carlin cared a great deal. His whole career was about bringing things to light. He was just cynical and vulgar in his presentation.
Ya’ll are all wrong. Tipping is to compensate the 2 dollars they make an hour. It’s a shitty system, but that’s the deal. If you don’t want to tip then don’t go eat at a restaurant that supports that system. It’s not some luxury add-on for excellent service (though it can be). It is purely to make up for the extremely low wages. Does anyone remember the rest of the dialog in this scene?