Sure, but the image is about a game taking place in American history. I agree that no slavery is good but you comment doesn’t add much to the historical context. If anything removes nuance.
Sure, but the image is about a game taking place in American history. I agree that no slavery is good but you comment doesn’t add much to the historical context. If anything removes nuance.
Are you saying white slavery was as systemic and width spread as black slavery in America? If so I’ve missed a big part of the American slave history.
And Damascus steel grate/mesh.
I remembered reading a long post on Reddit about what to do if you win big on the lottery.
Reddit History: /u/BlakeClass’s comment on What to do if you win The Lottery (GitHub gist)
What is QE?
I have an enamel coated cast iron Dutch oven which does tomato dishes just fine as well.
But even when steelmaning the argument, they deserve to be called out on not even considering a middle ground where 10 year old rape victims are not allowed an abortion. Because “opening up doors” is a too big a cost for them.
I agree to a certain degree, that twisting someone’s pretty shitty argument isn’t helping the discourse. So my response isn’t really directed at you.
Isn’t Ketamine currently in use for some mental health treatments though?
I’m think it’s actually a native North American script. Ojibwe.
Well, look at this documentary and see if it might change your mind ;)
The building is most likely in São Paulo. Not that it matters for for the point you’re making :)
No, this a local style in Brazil, I think in the city of São Paulo. Look up pixadores. They essentially compete in hitting up crazy spots.
Edit: trailer to a documentary about this sub culture. It’s pretty fascinating.
No, the obvious solution is universal healthcare funded by taxes. Healthcare in the sense of giving care, not withholding care.
The benefits are so obvious arguing for the current US system is disingenuous.
It is better to not be stuck between a truck and a tailgating asshole. So it would better to drive at or below the speed limit in your scenario.
You have to compensate by having a good margin in front of you as you cannot instantly break when you need to.
That is a good point, it probably will, and I do consider it bad.
Yeah, but keep in mind that nuclear waste has some time left to do damage. It’s not like a hydro plant is going to come back and haunt you in a 100 years from now. That’s what worries me with nuclear, aside from the fact that it’s too slow to build to be a solution to the climate crisis.
Solar, wind and hydro should be top priority in my opinion.
Edit: Want to add energy storage to top prio as well, as that is needed to balance the grid.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it?
Of course they are comparable, just that the statement is a little strange in the context of American history.