I would be suprised if anything past some 1970’s DC sensors to be honest.
The ships are built by capitalists, theyre about as cheap as ships get
I would be suprised if anything past some 1970’s DC sensors to be honest.
The ships are built by capitalists, theyre about as cheap as ships get
Yeah, it was a bit of a growing pain tradeoff to accommodate high performance enterprise clusters, but kinda only sucks for the small user environment.
Still pretty impressive the same software can serve both those markets though.
Nextcloud doesnt really like when you do this, it stores file locations in its database and hand manages them.
Could work for a local instance though if you set up a cron job to rescan the dir every night or so
Or we could just like shield radiation, and provide oxygen/gravity.
Relying on evolution for this sounds like it’d take a couple millennium longer than just like a spinning slab of concrete with a rebreather inside.
Linux is really only a thing because it ISNT Unix (which macos is). Theyre more related than windows because they’re both POSIX compatible, but share essentially no codebase.
A rooted android phone on the other hand is just plain ol linux compiled for ARM, with some custom google jazz. It utilises a lot of Linux components like cgroups and SELinux - commonly found on desktop Linux (especially with containers).
Its not really that important in a broad sense to be honest, but it definitely makes android a Linux distro.
Android takes up 47% of the usage share of all computers, I’d be surprised if VLC managed to overcome even just android.
Mayyybe in america this would be true, but I’d still be suprised
Seems a bit biased to ignore 47% of the global OS userbase with android.
Even if VLC was great for ghetto windows, android alone almost has double its userbase.
Engineers love moving parts, known for their reliability and vigor
I hear this a lot but in production I still see xp/win 7 era PC’s all the time due to comparability issues (half the time still online too :/ )
Maybe its just absurd support for big spenders like the US military?
Seems like the small companies are mostly getting burned by gambling on MS
I thought the same, looks like AMD is trying to introduce something to limit that access (ie allow potentially compromised hosts run trusted VMs).
Probably to make VPS’ more attractive to security focused divisions.
Pretty sure it means the equivalent of root on baremetal (ie ring 0 in a vm is still safe).
Pretty sure on top of that anyone with that access can essentially rewrite your CPU’s brain, allowing ring 0 access even after (for example) selling the CPU.
Really thought the prequels did that.
Think anything smart JJ did was just from the next guy over’s test he was copying.
Any reason you dont just use bcachefs?
Supports various write-cache configurations, and seperate forgrouns/background replications (a la raid 1).
I think its even more stable than raid because it’ll auto-balance when a disk fails, but I’m not as certain in that
Feels a lot like plastic bottles probably felt 40 years ago.
Gonna be real nice 40 from now when the super companies throwing space garbage at us are still riding the legal protections from today.
Could be that theyre not an engine dev and so have different morals an opinions than them.
Nix package manager can be installed on (almost) any distro, I’m running it in an android termux right now for example. Side note if you want a fun project for an old phone you could probably run radarr this way, I’m using it for Garage s3 storage.
Without diving into the juicy details too much, the command does temporarily install it - in a way that its essentially free to reinstall anytime. For permanent setups you just have to add it to a text file, that could use a bit of a face life to be honest. Though comparitevly this would be trivial to implement vs the meat of the package manager itself
I’ll admit Linux users are more allergic to GUI’s than they need to be, but if snowflakeOS becomes more mature then I’d consider an app store much more intuitive and secure than arbitrary full system access.
Cause realistically we could start throwing ads in the system to really make windows users feel at home, but (like the mess that is windows dependencies) tradition can be a weakness more than a strength.
Reboot, click the previous generation on the grub screen.
Babey I couldnt get enough of nixos if I lived a million years
I think youre misrepresenting what Linux is supposed to be, it runs most Walmart displays, kiosks, medical systems, and servers.
Its just now branching into a more usable desktop environment, but its going to do this the right way.
As time as shown is the windows way is incredibly bloated and unstable - I wouldn’t dream of running a critical server off of it, nor even a non-critical one like radarr. Undocumented issues are just part of the game in the windows world.
Taking the easy route will kinda by definition be easier at first.
Though ngl I find it incredibly easier to enter
nix-shell -p radarr
than to navigate to a webpage, download and install an arbitrary executable, give it absolute admin privellages to the ebtirety of my computer to let it ‘do its thing’ for a bit, and be SOL if that doesnt all go perfectly.
Jesus Christ, and we consider ourselves above ‘slave labour’ when most of those people are probably just there to get a meal. Worst part is all these cuts are just to help Amazon’s bottom line.
Ive only ever worked with smaller boats or electrical rigs pulled out of larger freighters, from that view alone it blows my mind half those boats are even afloat.