• 31 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • timbuck2themoontoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy do we hate SELinux?
    3 days ago

    I think it depends who you ask.

    As a linux admin, I don’t mind it and actually really appreciate it. It’s a robust system like you said and though a bit persnickety on resolving things, does its job well.

    As a home user, I find that mostly you shouldn’t know it ever exists anyhow. The one time you might would be podman volume issues (when you forget or don’t know to append a z/Z) or when you’re doing something odd. I can see how some would dislike it in that case.

    But in any case I fully recommend running it and just learning how to use it. Kind of like IPv6. It’s misunderstood, too often disabled, and should be more widespread. They both are really improvements to what came before. Just technology that takes a little more time to learn is all.

    Here is a helpful video explaining it- https://youtu.be/_WOKRaM-HI4

  • I have complaints about the HamCo commissioners at times but I’m glad at the very least Dumas and especially Reece seem more geared to push back against all this stadium (and now arena) funding BS. Driehaus wants to make a deal which I don’t like but she at least also comes at it from the position of not letting PBS rot and be a billion dollar anchor around our necks.

    But for the love of god- let all these people saying it’s so good for the economy put their money where their mouth is. The city/county does not need new stadiums and if anyone thinks an arena is such a good investment then let them build it with private money. Imagine that- getting a loan like any other normal business.