Depends on the environment surrounding the door, as well as the environment surrounding the computer.
Some people simply care less about their computer security. The debate stops there. Security operates on a foundation of what you want to secure.
By comparing two environments of someone’s life you know little about, you are commenting from ignorance.
Security is much more effective and adopted when it is simple. My understanding is that SELinux is not.
This means not only will fewer people use it and more people turn it off if something doesn’t work, it means more people are at risk of misconfiguring their system to allow something they didn’t intend to.
This is somewhat mitigated from the fact that, from my experience, Linux Security Modules cant ever make you less secure than without it. But it still can provide a false sense of security if you misconfigure it.
Here is a good article showing what I am referring to, and providing a solid security tool: BSD pledge/unveil on Linux.