• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • user75736572OPtoMTG@mtgzone.comDo people actually like commander?
    2 years ago

    idk playing for some lore reason or whatever seems boring to me the point of the game is to win. And when I tried playing it’s not always even the hyper competitive decks but I like stuff like mass land destruction and prison. But they players don’t want any interaction refuse to play boseiju,fow or any of the cards to defend themselves from others decks. They just want to police what you play they want to force you to play what their useless deck that ramps for 6 turns before even pretending to do anything and anything that interacts with them in ANY way is toxic because they don’t even want to play just win themselves with no opposition to feel good about their shitty deck. Like you want to play mono green ramp but I can’t destroy your lands, kill your creates or counter your spells? That seems fair

  • user75736572OPtoMTG@mtgzone.comDo people actually like commander?
    2 years ago

    But the point of magic is not be D&D. In my opinion D&D is a terrible game because the rules are arbitrary and you’re supposed to sit there and hallucinate or something. What makes mtg a good game is that there are concrete rules and a clear objective, if you have arbitrary nonsense like rule 0 and aren’t even supposed to win then you might as well just not play, the whole point is to win like I don’t get it

  • user75736572OPtoMTG@mtgzone.comDo people actually like commander?
    2 years ago

    The most fun format is legacy not commander? Strategically complicated, the only strategy there is is how good your deck can be before the opponent starts crying, people literally don’t even want you playing a good deck or trying to win there’s no strategy just shuffling cards around

  • What you don’t understand is money, money is an abstraction of the value you created through your labor, when you buy something you exchange your labour for someone else’s labour.

    What you are asking is for you to provide no labour but get free food from another person’s labour ( also known as slavery ).

    No matter the economic system the simple reality that things like food and housing aren’t free are true, so someone has to work.

    The free market simulates everyone using their strengths since people end up in the jobs they are best at and are actually needed by other people ( if you want to make art all day it better be good enough for another people to exchange their labour for it). In capitalism you are forced to be useful to others

    People’s lifes today are better than they have ever be, instead of being jealous that some people have it better because of their contributions to the economy ( other people valued their labour highly so they got paid more) maybe be grateful of the living conditions you are given. If you really want to live in a mansion work hard for it and maybe one day you’ll get it.

    I know it’s trendy to hate on capitalism but please study some economics before trying to demolish the very thing that enables you to have a phone and post here