It’s from a comic called Billionaire Island (2020)
I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but I think I can see joy in the eyes of the beaker walking up to the cameraman as they come to beat this shit out of them
when you spend most of your time in a relatively sedentary lifestyle, walking a mile can be a lot of exercise. for someone who wants a minimum of 12,000 steps a day, it seems like nothing, but for someone who averages maybe 1000 steps, it can take a lot of physical and/or mental effort. especially if that person is dealing with chronic pain or depression
I know they’re not entirely related but it’s the first thing that came to mind so I had to make it.
no no, God is doing this BECAUSE we’re polluting the earth. if you stop and reverse the pollution then he won’t be mad anymore…
You think that would work to get them to stop?
America: where they sell you a dream and make you repay it or else it’s a crime
It looks like it’s typographically aligned “justified”, meaning it has a standard width and will automatically add gaps between words to make it fit the page. It looks cleaner and used in many legal and academic documents.
when I was a kid I had to retrieve a ball that went into a brush of prickly pear. I didn’t see any spikes coming out of it so I thought it was fine.
it hurt so much just to move my hand
still waiting for them to add folder syncing onto mobile like AutoSync or FolderSync do for Google drive. Makes syncing notes between my phone and computer much easier
there’s a reason why you never wear maille without a gambeson.
this with a light sheet in the summer or with a blanket in the cooler months would be pretty nice and I kinda want to make one now
wait until you hear about vegetables
also with