Coder, pest of local gov’ts, mason & tech nerd. PA/USA.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA. (he/him)
:react: :csharp: :bash: :radio_tower: :masonic: :vim: :BLM: :ally:
Work: Software Developer, System Architect.
Hobbies: #HamRadio Operator, #Freemasonry (PM #93 AF&AM :maryland:), #Flashlights, #Scouts, #PTA, #RaspberryPi, #arduino.
Interested in: #React, #RubyOnRails, #Python, #DevOps, #ProjectManagement, #SocialJustice, #Equity, #LocalGovernment, #LocalSchools.
@[email protected] I call it $12/mo because that’s what the unlimited VPS that I dedicated to the instance costs, but I’m able to ignore a few costs like DNS, email service, storage, etc. because they’re already baked into other things I run and have little or no incremental costs.