I kinda get the argument about it, but the game is so bad I can’t be bothered to even be upset, even on their behalf.
I legit feel like Linux is better for not having it.
Reddit refugee
I kinda get the argument about it, but the game is so bad I can’t be bothered to even be upset, even on their behalf.
I legit feel like Linux is better for not having it.
I’ve had that problem. But more often I have them correctly opening, but they start autoplaying muted by default. So I would have to frantically search for the unmute button or volume slider as fast as I can before I miss more than 2 or 3 sentences.
If it takes too long, then I probably didn’t wanna watch it anyway. I always hated it because it would throw banners at me advertising the app, which I expressly do not want. I had it downloaded one time for about 10 minutes on my last phone, and felt the ick immediately.
I don’t get them often, and typically only as discord channel messages. Lately they’re embedded so I don’t need to open them in a browser. It seems to be working now, but it was a mess for a while.
I have never (not asking for info, I can look it up) seen it, just heard it mentioned by name. Couldn’t tell you the actors or even the genre off hand.
But I can tell you that every time I hear the movie my brain (for juuuust a second) always thinks it’s a Star Trek movie that’s specifically about pon farr.
For those not in the know, Vulcans (aka the race of aliens that Spock belongs to), while very disciplined, will get super horny every 7 years. So horny that they will just up and die if they don’t bust a nut and for whatever reason they can’t just take care of it themselves.
Now I’m no kid from the 60s, but I did hear of it first with Tuvok in the Voyager series. And now that reference is just as dated now as the original show was when I watched Voyager. And I just had a whole existential moment between those 2 sentences in this paragraph. I’m so old now.
I still think 90s when I hear 8-9 years ago.
I feel like I (and probably a lot people now) don’t have a clue what most of their emails are. I don’t subscribe to anything anymore. I have no reason to routinely check it.
It’s just where receipts and account management messages (verification codes, click here to finish logging in type stuff), along with automated reminders of activities that have happened it need to happen. I haven’t checked email that wasn’t a log in thing for a very long time. And even then it was probably to check a record of some sort.
It used to be used as a primary communication protocol, now it’s just the account you need to have to make an account on what you’ll actually use.
Has anyone used it intentionally for anything more than that in the last 10 years? Personal email I mean, not for work email.
His people don’t know how to read articles. They’re simple people, they see anti-queer anything, and they join in support immediately, without thought. Partially because they’re actually incapable of thinking.
Just posting it with that image is pretty much proof positive what he’s saying. If this gets any coverage, I would bet money he won’t try to refute it.
But the real one, not the rebooted mac.
Yeah, him offing himself would just be a consolation prize.
What we all really want is a 4k video from amazing angles. Even if he still does it himself, this would be great for history to see.
My brain has an aneurysm. It totally is, but Imma pretend for the sake of the comment that it was the Dreamcast.
Yeah I’m not exactly happy about that either.
I was trying to stay on topic about this. That’s a whole different rant.
Plus, things spread before they get worse. This is a line that shouldn’t be crossed by anything in any way. The inside of my car is a nice little island. It should stay that way.
I feel pretty much everybody would agree with that. Even the ones open to it probably just want to make the money from it without having to deal with it themselves.
I had never heard of Stellantis until the comments on this post.
That’s at least a little good news, but I want day-after total zero existence for stunts like this.
As in executed the day after murder kind of immediate punishment. In this case, total, irrevocable punishment.
C suite people literally living in shelters fighting for leftovers at a food bank after paying out years of employee salaries and benefits kind of punishment.
You can’t just fine people like this for crimes. You have to actually take away money and the ability to accrue more than enough to live on.
I meant because of the sticker.
Now I’m infuriated for the opposite reason.
I wish it was still called Max over here. The design was cooler back at the very beginning, but “max” still sounds cooler than “zero sugar”. I understand why it changed for marketing, but I still think it’s way less cool sounding and as extra syllables when I mention it.
Way to go out of your way to fail at shitting on American defaultism.
Epic fail bozo lmao
If 2000 me saw this picture I’d be infuriated. 2025 me understand and supports.
Hold up. First of all, the word you want is “fewer” buttons.
Secondly, that’s still just incorrect. There aren’t fewer buttons.
I’ve actually used that.
I love the concept of getting rid of the 3 prong disaster, but the past of me that gets given absolutely nuts by asymmetry gates the way it feels in my hand.
It gets partial credit for at least making it fully wield-able, but drive nothing to advantage of it (because it couldn’t since this was like .000000001% of all controllers made), the benefit was useless, and the downside hurt even more because of that.
The actual Dreamcast controller was a fucking mess, fight me about it. Such a garbage blob.
What is “a 0.02%”?
I haven’t gotten an Instagram link in even longer, so it might just be both of them.