Every journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. You have made a great start… keep at it.
Every journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. You have made a great start… keep at it.
I’m confused about the numbers. They don’t make sense.
As an older coder, I’ve spent time commercially programming in a lot of languages (C, C++, C#, Python, TransactSQL, Javascript, and a few more - with many years of experience in each. I even spent time squeezing some forth code into a small programmable chip.
My first comment on this « attitude » expressed above is that you need to pick the language (and its libraries) that is best for your problem space - each will have advantages, including constructs and libraries to suit whatever domain you are working in. Hence forth for a microchip, TransactSQL for DB stored procs, python for general purpose command line work etc.
Having said that I do want to present one viewpoint which could give rise to this above expressed opinion. It’s an area that C is considered pretty strong - specifically language complexity. When coding in C, I really felt like I knew every nook and cranny of the language, exactly how every structure would be packed, what the assembly would probably look like.
Python (and perhaps C#) are currently my favorite languages - python only has 36 keywords and while I don’t have the same solid grasp of what’s happening under the hood, I do feel like there are very few surprises and corner cases to the language, even while supporting some complex programming methodologies.
The opposite of this is (IMHO) swift. What started as a really nice language with a clean syntax and solid libraries has morphed into a monster with 232 keywords. Does any swift programmer have a solid grasp of it all?
I would say that C++ is at the complicated end of the spectrum - spend some time inside Boost and their extreme use of templates/meta-programming and it will make your head spin. The Boost developers are super smart people, but its non-trivial to understand what is going on. Having said that, C++ does make you feel that you can code close to the machine and have a good handle on what is happening under the hood.
This level of control is probably one place where this « only C and C++ code is any good » attitude came from. Its not an attitude I support.
Lastpass was hacked and might have lost control of some data https://blog.lastpass.com/posts/2022/12/notice-of-security-incident
1Pass hasn’t been hacked directly, but they were affected by the Okta https://blog.1password.com/okta-incident/
(One of the most common vectors for hacks is through your vendors - see Target https://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/02/target-hackers-broke-in-via-hvac-company/)
Dropbox had an unauthorized access, but the seemed on top of it. https://sign.dropbox.com/blog/a-recent-security-incident-involving-dropbox-sign
Dropbox also has had a more significant data breech, but a while ago. https://www.twingate.com/blog/tips/dropbox-data-breach#
Overview of all password manager breeches! https://bestreviews.net/which-password-managers-have-been-hacked/
Storing Drivers Licence: Was answered elsewhere. Bottom line… Bitwarden seems like it can store other types of data. Note that I don’t use Bitwarden yet, but have experience with Enpass and 1Pass, both of which can store all sorts of data.
Why separate storage if Bitwarden is E2EE? You are placing all your trust in a single organization - Bitwarden. If they get hacked, then it is possible for the hackers to poison their software to deliver master passwords (hacks of s/w repositories has happened). I prefer to separate encryption from storage so a hack in both is required to get my data. Note that I do the same for offsite backups to Glacier/S3. I use Arq to do the backup and encrypt the files, then send them to S3 for storage.
The 2023 IBM Report on Cost of Data Breeches indicated that the average time for a company to discover a breech is about 200 days, and on average another 70 days to remediate. That keeps me up at night in my day job as security dude.
Good to know, thanks. I haven’t actually started looking for the Enpass replacement yet, but it sounds like Bitwarden will be a lead contender.
Fair comment, although due to the distributed nature of our implementation we are unlikely to lose services. All Vaults are stored locally on all devices.
Having said that - the copy of the vault on the Mac is backed up with TimeMachine.
[I’ve been a greybeard sysadmin and use 3,2,1 even at home]
My approach to this is as follows:
I’m the security dude for a cloud service provider in my day job, so my goal was to use Separation of Concerns to manage my passwords. I therefore split the software from the storage, choosing software from one company, and storage from a second company. That way, it requires a failure on both parties at the same time for me to lose control of all the data.
I used to use OnePass for the software, storing the data in Dropbox. But then they removed that option, so I switched to Enpass. Data is stored in a vault on the local device and synced to a folder on Dropbox, which we both have access to from all our devices (Mac’s, iPads, iPhones). The vault is encrypted using our master password and Dropbox only sees an encrypted file. Enpass provides software that runs locally and doesn’t get a copy of my vault file.
If Dropbox has another failure and the vault gets out, then that is not a problem as long as Enpass have properly encrypted it. If Enpass has a bug making the vaults crackable - again it’s not a problem as long as Dropbox doesn’t lose control of my vault file. I update Enpass, the vault gets fixed and life goes on.
Enpass is very usable, but buggy. It crashes every night (requiring me to start it again and log in), and often loses connection to Safari and wont re-establish it. It got better with a previous update, but has got unreliable again. I’m about to look for another.
this seems on brand for Trump.
He likely hasn’t thought much about it, but heard some talking head on Fox say something stupid and repeating it.
If you did get a seriously large lump of cash… after a settling in period a lot of changes will happen, and you will be happy they did (IMHO).
The reason is that one of the biggest gifts that wealth gives you is TIME. A lot of the day to day crap that the rest of us need to deal with just evaporates. No need to shop (there are people for that). Want to travel… people will organise everything. There will be no waiting in lines at airports, at restaurants, at government offices… there are people for that. Someone to clean, someone to pick up the kids (unless you want to of course), someone to cook, holidays on a fuck-off huge yacht with crew to manage everything, or just to zip to Paris for the weekend.
You will probably really appreciate not having to deal with most of that crap. Also, while you probably don’t want a stupid large house, you do want privacy and so will want to get a house on 1000 acres in a gorgeous landscape (plus perhaps apartments in various cities that you like).
Imagine moving from a food insecure lifestyle to a secure lifestyle where food, safety, housing is always there. Would you want to keep your old food-insecure lifestyle? No. Same with going from a food secure lifestyle to a time-and-resource abundant lifestyle.
Yeah, started working for me a few hours later.
And clicking on the activation link again shows »too many tries »
I signed up, got the activation email, clicked on that which took me to the login page.
Logging in shows me a message that I am not activated.
deleted by creator
I second the advice to switch to a different/previous/known good kernel. That has been the cause a most boot problems for me. I just had it happen on a VM a couple of weeks ago, so I switched to the old kernel, then removed the new kernel. I’ll wait for another kernel before upgrading.
It’s probably worth scanning your disk just in case as well.
That’s the sucker. Just stick an “H” on his forehead…
One other (slightly funny) aspect, for some of us older people. The leader of the Act party - David Seymour - is a dead ringer for Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf. As Lister would say - they are both complete knobheads.
Act is waaaaaay to the right of any other party in NZ.
NZ First have partnered with Labour (left) and with National (right) over the years. Their strength is mainly around the leader (Winston Peters) who is a real firebrand and somehow they pull 5-7% or so every year (although they disappeared below the threshold in the 2020 election). IIRC their support is more in the older generation.
I would say their economics are centrist, but they tend to be conservative on other issues.
In the 2017 govt when they partnered with Labour (left), Winston became deputy prime minister and foreign minister and the rumours were that he was pretty effective and hardworking in the foreign minister position.
I always plug in. I don’t know if it works with calibre server.
Still shows Gulf of Mexico in New Zealand, at least for now.